List of scientific papers Last updated: 15 March 2023 |
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List of scientific papers
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1. LIPPENS, P.L. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1973 (1974) - A routine method for mounting nematodes in resin with high refractive index. - Nematologica, 19: 562-563.
2. GROOTAERT, P. & LIPPENS, P.L. - 1974 - Some ultrastructural Changes in Cuticle and Hypodermis of Aporcelaimellus during the first Moult (Nematoda: Dorylaimoidea). - Zeitschrift f?r Morphologie der Tiere, 79: 269-282, 14 Figs.
3. GROOTAERT, P. & MAERTENS, D. - 1976 - Cultivation and life cycle of Mononchus aquaticus. - Nematologica 22 : 173-181, 20 Figs.
4. GROOTAERT, P. - 1976 - A note on the aquatic Nematodes from Rio de Oro (North-Western Sahara). - Bulletin I.F.A.N., 38: 832-835.
5. GROOTAERT, P. - 1976 - The biology of Mesodiplogaster lheritieri Maupas (Nematoda: Rhabditida). - Biologisch Jaarboek Dodonaea, 44: 191-202, 4 Figs.
6. GROOTAERT, P., LIPPENS, P.L., ALI, S.S. & DE GRISSE, A.T. - 1976 - Histological investigations on the oesophagus in Hoplolaimus. I. The procorpus. - Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 41: 995-1005, 7 Figs.
7. GROOTAERT, P., LIPPENS, P.L., ALI, S.S. & DE GRISSE, A.T. - 1976 - Histological investigations on the oesophagus in Hoplolaimus : the metacorpus, isthmus and gland lobe. - Biologisch Jaarboek Dodonaea, 44: 203-209, 9 Figs.
8. GROOTAERT, P., JAQUES, A. & SMALL, R.W. - 1977 - Prey selection in Butlerius sp. (Rhabditida; Diplogasteridae). - Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 42: 1559-1563.
9. WYSS, U. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1977 - Feeding mechanisms of Labronema sp. - Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 42: 1521-1527, 2 Figs.
10. SMALL, R.W. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1977 - Description of the male
of Mononchus aquaticus Coetzee 1968 (Nematoda: Mononchidae) with observations
on the females. - Biologisch Jaarboek Dodonaea, 45: 162-170, 2 Figs.
11. GROOTAERT, P. & WYSS, U. - 1978 - Ultrastructure and function
of the anterior feeding apparatus in Labronema sp. - Nematologica, 24:
243-250, 11 Figs.
12. Grootaert, P. & WYSS, U. - 1979 - Ultrastructure and function of the anterior feeding apparatus in Mononchus aquaticus. - Nematologica, 25: 163-173, 14 Figs.
13. GROOTAERT, P. & JAQUES, A. - 1979 - Description of Butlerius degrissei n.sp. (Nematoda : Diplogasteridae) with notes on its culture. - Nematologica, 25: 203-214, 10 Figs.
14. VAN DE VELDE, I., DUMONT, H.J. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1978 - Report on a collection of Cladocera from Mexico and Guatemala. - Archiv f?r Hydrobiologie, 83: 391-404, 4 Figs.
15. GERAERT, E., GROOTAERT, P. & DECRAEMER, W. - 1980 - Structure of the female reproductive system in some Dorylaimida and Enoplida (Nematoda). - Nematologica, 26: 255-271, 8 Figs.
16. GROOTAERT, P. & COOMANS, A. - 1981 - The formation of the anterior feeding apparatus in dorylaims. - Nematologica 26: 406-431, 29 Figs.
17. GERAERT, E., S?DHAUS, W. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1979 - The structure of the female genital apparatus in the order Rhabditida (Nematoda). - Annales de la Societ? royale Zoologique de Belgique 109 (2-4): 91-108, 10 Figs.
18. LOOF, P.A.A. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1981 - Redescription of Labronema vulvapapillatum (Meyl, 1954) nov. comb. (Dorylaimoidea). - Nematologica 27: 139-145, 2 Figs.
19. GROOTAERT, P. - 1981 - Euthyneura myrtilli Macquart (Diptera : Empididae) Belg. n. sp. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 116: 202.
20. GROOTAERT, P. - 1981 - Gloma fuscipennis Meigen, 1822 (Diptera: Empididae). A species new for the Belgian fauna. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 117: 69-70, 1 Fig.
21. LECLERCQ, M. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1981 - Note sur Tetanocera montana et autres Sciomyzidae (Diptera) en Belgique. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 117: 155-156.
22. GROOTAERT, P. - 1981 - Tachydromia annulimana Meigen, 1822, T. smithi CHVALA, 1966 en T. umbrarum Haliday, 1833 in Belgi?. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 117: 83-84.
23. GROOTAERT, P. & FASSOTTE, C. - 1981 - Note sur les Lonchopteridae (Diptera) de Belgique. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie 24, 117: 93-94.
24. GROOTAERT, P. - 1981 - Notes on the occurrence of the genus Platypalpus
Macquart, 1827 (Diptera: Empididae) in Belgium. - Bulletin de l'Institut
Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 53 (15): 24 pp., 1 Fig.
25. FASSOTTE, C. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1981 - Contribution ? l'?tude
de la faune des Dipt?res captur?s en automne au pi?ge Malaise ? Ottignies
(Belgique, Brabant) - Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles
de Belgique, 53 (14): 15 pp.
26. BAERT, L., FASSOTTE, C., GROOTAERT, P., KEKENBOSCH, J. & MUYLAERT, A. - 1981 - Contribution ? la connaissance de la faune aran?ologique et entomologique de la r?gion de Buzenol (Province de Luxembourg). - Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 53 (16): 22 pp., 1 Fig.
27. GROOTAERT, P. - 1981 (1982) - Enkele Empis (Xanthempis) soorten (Diptera, Empididae) nieuw voor de Belgische fauna. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 117: 215.
28. GROOTAERT, P. - 1982 (1983) - A note on Empididae (Diptera) uncommon or new for the Belgian fauna. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 118: 257-265
29. GROOTAERT, P. - 1983 - Description of three new Platypalpus species (Diptera Empididae) from Belgium. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 119: 123-137, 4 Figs.
30. GROOTAERT, P. & VERBEKE, K. - 1983 - Nemoura cinerea Retzius (Plecoptera) toch nog aanwezig in West-Vlaanderen. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 119: 300.
31. GROOTAERT, P. - 1983 - Twee Milichiidae (Diptera), nieuw voor de Belgische fauna. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 119: 48-49.
32. GROOTAERT, P. - 1983 - Aanvullende gegevens over het voorkomen van het genus Tachydromia Meigen in Belgi? (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae). - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 119: 303-307.
33. GROOTAERT, P. & SMALL, R.W. - 1982 - Aspects of the biology of Labronema vulvapapillatum (Meyl), (Nematoda, Dorylaimidae) in laboratory culture. - Biologisch Jaarboek Dodonaea, 50: 135-148, 4 Figs.
34. DARTEVELLE-MOUREAU, Z., GROOTAERT, P. & BREDAEL-ROZEN, E. - 1982 - Microorganismes associ?s ? la neige en Belgique. - Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 54 (3): 18 pp., 7 Figs.
35. SMALL, R.W. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1983 - Observations on the predation abilities of some soil dwelling predatory nematodes. - Nematologica, 29: 109-118.
36. GROOTAERT, P. & MEUFFELS, H.J.G. - 1984 - Naamlijst voor het genus Platypalpus Macquart, 1824 in Nederland (Diptera, Empididae). - Entomologische Berichten, 44: 36-37.
37. MEUFFELS H.J.G. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1984 - Dolichopodidae (Diptera)
from Papua New Guinea I: The genus Cymatopus Kert?sz with a discussion
on Abatetia Miller and Cemocarus gen. nov. - Indo-Malayan Zoology, 1: 141-158,
8 Figs.
38. GROOTAERT, P. - 1983 - A note on Platypalpus Macquart (Diptera:
Empididae) from Auvergne (France) - Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences
naturelles de Belgique, 55 (5): 11 pp., 4 Figs.
39. GROOTAERT, P. - 1984 - Redescription of Niphadobata belgica (Becker, 1912) comb. nov. (Diptera: Tipulidae), a snowfly from low altitudes in Belgium. - Annales de la Soci?t? royale Zoologique de Belgique, 114 (2): 241-247, 2 Figs.
40. GROOTAERT, P. - 1984 - Two new species of Platypalpus Macquart (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae) from Papua New Guinea. - Bulletin et Annalles de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 120: 283-290, 10 Figs.
41. GROOTAERT, P. & MEUFFELS, H.J.G. - 1984 - Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea. II. Some new species of the genus Thinophilus Wahlberg, 1844, from the lowland. - Indo-Malayan Zoology, 2: 209-223, 15 Figs.
42. GROOTAERT, P. - 1985 - A note on the phenology of Platypalpus Macquart (Diptera: Empidoidae, Hybotidae) in Belgium using Malaise traps. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 121: 99-111.
43. GROOTAERT, P. - 1985 - Some new synonyms in the genus Platypalpus Macquart (Diptera, Empidoidae, Hybotidae) based upon Meigen's collection. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 121: 127-131.
44. MEUFFELS, H. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1985 - Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea III: New species of the genus Diaphorus Meigen, 1824. - Indo-Malayan Zoology, 2: 9-28, 13 figs.
45. GROOTAERT, P. - 1986 - A new Platypalpus species related to P. pictitarsis (Becker, 1902) (Diptera Empidoidea Hybotidae) from western Europe. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 122: 187-193, 13 Figs.
46. MEUFFELS, H.J.G. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1986 - Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea IV. New species of the genus Teuchophorus Loew, 1857. - Indo-Malayan Zoology, 3: 217-262, 64 Figs.
47. GROOTAERT, P. & DE MEYER, M. - 1986 - On the taxonomy and ecology of Nephrocerus Zetterstedt (Diptera, Pipunculidae) with a redescription of N. lapponicus and a key to the European species. - Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 56: 85-91, 11 Figs.
48. POLLET, M., VERBEKE, Ch. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1986 - Verspreiding en fenologie van Dolichopodidae in een bosbiotoop te Wijnendale (West-Vlaanderen). - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 122: 285-292.
49. GROOTAERT, P. - 1986 - Chrysopilus luteolus Fall?n, een nieuwe Rhagionidae
(Diptera) voor de Belgische fauna. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t?
royale belge d'Entomologie, 122: 284-285.
50. GROOTAERT, P., VERLINDEN, L. & MEUFFELS, H. - 1986 - Waarnemingen over de Diptera fauna rond het Onderzoekscentrum voor Kernenergie te Mol. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 122: 315-318.
51. POLLET, M. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1986 - Two dolichopodid species, new for the Belgian fauna (Dolichopodidae, Diptera). - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 122: 300.
52. GROOTAERT, P. & VERBIST, P. - 1986 - Bibliografie van de Diptera (Insecta) van Belgi?. - Studiedocument van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 44 pp.
53. MEUFFELS, H.J.G. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1987 - Preliminary check list of the Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Belgium. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 123: 29-41.
54. GROOTAERT, P. - 1987 - A new Tachydromia species from Papua New Guinea (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae). - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 123: 141-144, 7 figs.
55. GROOTAERT, P. - 1987 - Description of a new Platypalpus species from the P. albiseta group (Diptera Empidoidea, Hybotidae) from Belgium. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 123: 277-282, 17 Figs.
56. GROOTAERT, P. & MEUFFELS, H.J.G. - 1987 - Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea V. A new species of Cryptophleps Lichtwardt, 1898 with notes on other species. - Indo-Malayan Zoology, 4: 145-152, 10 figs.
57. MEUFFELS, H.J.G. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1987 - Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea VI. New species in the genus Sympycnus Loew. - Indo-Malayan Zoology, 4: 317-397, 107 figs.
58. POLLET, M. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1987 - Ecological data on Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from a woodland ecosystem: I. Colour preference, detailed distribution and comparison of different sampling techqiques. - Bulletin de l'Institut des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, s?rie Entomologie, 57: 173-186, 8 Figs.
59. NEGROBOV, O., GROOTAERT, P. & COULIBALY, B. - 1987 - Description d'une esp?ce nouvelle du genre Liancalus Loew, 1857 (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) du Za?re. - Bulletin de l'Institut Royal de Sciences naturelles Belge d'Entomologie, 57: 157-159, 2 Figs.
60. POLLET, M., VERBEKE, C. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1987 - Preliminary results of the investigations on the distribution of dolichopodid flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) in Western Flanders (Belgium). - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 123: 338-345, 2 Figs.
61. Recensie in Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 123: 337.
62. GROOTAERT, P., HAGHEBAERT, G. & POLLET, M. - 1987 - Some Medetera (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) associated with Scolytidae (Coleoptera) from elms. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 123: 380-382.
63. Recensie in Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 123: 385.
64. POLLET, M., GROOTAERT, P. & MEUFFELS, H. - 1988 - Dolichopodid species new to the Belgian fauna with notes on their habitat (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). - Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam, 48: 44-46, 1 Fig.
65. GROOTAERT, P. & VAN DE VELDE, I. - 1988 - A new Platypalpus species from Papua New Guinea (Diptera Empidoidea Hybotidae). - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 124: 223-227.
66. GROOTAERT, P. & POLLET, M. - 1989 - Dansvliegen of Empididae van het Westhoekreservaat te De Panne. - Phegea, 17: 31-33.
67. GROOTAERT, P. & POLLET, M. - 1988. - Empididae (Diptera) van het Hannecartbos te Oostduinkerke. - Bulletin et Annales de la Sococi?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 124: 58-60.
68. GROOTAERT, P. & MEUFFELS, H.J.G. - 1988 - Observations sur l'accouplement chez Sciapus platypterus (Diptera Dolichopodidae). - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 124: 275-276, 1 fig.
69. GROOTAERT, P., VERLINDEN, L., MEUFFELS, H., POLLET, M., HAGHEBAERT, G., LECLERCQ, M., DE MEYER, M. & N. Magis - 1988 - Dipt?res de la r?serve naturelle de l'?tang de Virelles en Belgique. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 124: 320-324.
70. SCHNEIDER, N., FASSOTTE, Ch., GROOTAERT, P., HAGHEBAERT, G., MUYLAERT, A. & R. DETRY - 1988 - Contribution ? l'?tude des Psocopt?res belges ? l'aide de pi?ges Malaise (Psocoptera). - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 124: 332-338.
71. GROOTAERT, P. & CHVALA, M. - 1988 - Platypalpus stigmatelloides, a new species from Central Europe (Diptera Hybotidae). - Vestnik Ceskoslovensk? Spolecnosti Zoologick?, 52: 241-244.
72. MEUFFELS, H. & P. GROOTAERT - 1989 - The relatives of Dolichopus plumipes (Scopoli, 1763), with the description of a new species from Belgium (Diptera Dolichopodidae). - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 125: 83-98, 34 figs.
73. GROOTAERT, P. & MEUFFELS, H. - 1988 (1989) - Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea VII. Description of Thinolestris gen. nov., a new beach dwelling genus of Hydrophorinae. - Indo-Malayan Zoology, 5 (1):31-39, 6 figs.
74. GROOTAERT, P. - 1989 - Enkele opmerkingen over vliegen (Diptera, Brachycera) van de Belgische kust. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 125: 156-157.
75. GROOTAERT, P. - 1989 - Description of a new Platypalpus species, closely allied to P. minutus Meigen (Diptera Empidoidea Hybotidae) from Europe. - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 125: 5 p., 10 figs.
76. MEUFFELS, H.J.G., POLLET, M., & GROOTAERT, P. - 1988 (1989) - The dolichopodid fauna (Dolichopodidae, Diptera) of a garden habitat: faunistics, habitat preference, phenology and distribution. - Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 58: 83-94, 3 figs.
77. MEUFFELS H. & P. GROOTAERT - 1988 (1989) - Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea VIII. Phacaspis, a new genus incertae sedis from the mangrove. - Indo-Malayan Zoology, 5 (2): 311-319, 6 figs.
78. GROOTAERT, P. & MEUFFELS H. - 1989 - Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea IX. Mischopyga gen. nov. and Physopyga gen. nov., two new genera from the mangrove in Papua New Guinea. - Indo-Malayan Zoology, 6: 195-206, 11 figs.
79. DE MEYER, M., P. GROOTAERT & G. HAGHEBAERT - 1989 - A short note on the pipunculid fauna of of the Belgian dunes (Diptera, Pipunculidae). - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 125: 332-334.
80. GROOTAERT, P. - 1989 - Diptera from Belgium: a survey. - Verhandelingen van het Symposium "Invertebraten van Belgi?", p. 351-355.
81. POLLET, M., GROOTAERT, P. & MEUFFELS, H. - 1989 - Relationship between habitat preference and distribution of dolichopodid flies in Flanders (Dipt., Dolichopodidae). - Verhandelingen van het Symposium "Invertebraten van Belgi?": 363-371.
82. BRUNEL, E., GROOTAERT, P. & J. MESQUIDA - 1989 - Entomofaune associ?e ? la floraison du colza (Brassica napus L.): note pr?liminaire sur les Dolichopodidae et les Empididae (Insectes: Diptera). - Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent, 54 (3a): 727-737.
83. MEUFFELS, H. & P. GROOTAERT - 1990 - The identity of Sciapus contristans (Wiedemann, 1817) (Dolichopodidae, Diptera), and a revision of the species group of its relatives. - Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenscheppen, Entomologie, 60: 161-178.
84. DE MEYER M. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1990 - Pipunculidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea: the genera Cephalosphaera, Cephalops and Beckerias. - Zoologica scripta, 19 (4): 403-412.
85. MEUFFELS, H. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1990 - Notes on Dolichopodidae
from New Caledonia. I. Antyx, a new genus in the subfamily Sympycninae.
In Chazeau & S. Tillier (ed.), Zoologia Neocaledonia 2 - M?moires
du Mus?e national d'Histoire naturelle, 149: 289-300.
86. GROOTAERT, P. & JONASSEN, T. - 1991 - A new Platypalpus (Diptera,
Empidoidea) from Norway. - Entomologica scandinavica, 22 (1): 31-33, 5
87. HAGHEBAERT, G. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1991 - Waarnemingen over de Coleoptera en Diptera rond het Slack - estuarium te Ambleteuse (Frankrijk, Pas de Calais). - Phegea, 19(3): 107-112.
88. POLLET, M. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1991 - Horizontal and vertical distribution of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in a woodland ecosystem. - Journal of Natural History, 25: 1297-1312.
89. MEUFFELS, H. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1991 - A new species of Teuchophorus (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Sicily. - Animalia, 17: 131-135.
90. GROOTAERT, P., DE BRUYN, L. & DE MEYER, M. - 1991 - A catalogue of the Diptera of Belgium. - Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 338 pp.
- GROOTAERT, P. - 1991 - Introduction In: GROOTAERT, P., DE BRUYN, L. & DE MEYER, M. (editors). Catalogue of the Diptera of Belgium. Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 70: 9-13.
- GROOTAERT, P. - 1991 - Microphoridae In: GROOTAERT, P., DE BRUYN, L. & DE MEYER, M. (editors). Catalogue of the Diptera of Belgium. Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 70: 88.
- GROOTAERT, P. - 1991 - Atelestidae In: GROOTAERT, P., DE BRUYN, L. & DE MEYER, M. (editors). Catalogue of the Diptera of Belgium. Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 70: 89.
- GROOTAERT, P. - 1991 - Empididae In: GROOTAERT, P., DE BRUYN, L. & DE MEYER, M. (editors). Catalogue of the Diptera of Belgium. Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 70: 90-93.
- GROOTAERT, P. - 1991 - Hybotidae In: GROOTAERT, P., DE BRUYN, L. & DE MEYER, M. (editors). Catalogue of the Diptera of Belgium. Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 70: 94-96.
- OOSTERBROEK, & GROOTAERT, P. - 1991 - Tipuloidea, Tipulidae, Cylindrotomidae, Limoniidae In: GROOTAERT, P., DE BRUYN, L. & DE MEYER, M. (editors). Catalogue of the Diptera of Belgium. Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 70: 19-30.
- POLLET, M. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1991 - Stratiomyidae In: GROOTAERT,
P., DE BRUYN, L. & DE MEYER, M. (editors). Catalogue of the Diptera
of Belgium. Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor
Natuurwetenschappen, 70: 75.
- MEUFFELS, H., POLLET, M. & GROOTAERT, P - 1991 - Dolichopodidae In: GROOTAERT, P., DE BRUYN, L. & DE MEYER, M. (editors). Catalogue of the Diptera of Belgium. Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 70: 97-102.
91. FAIN, A. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1991 - Pr?sence en Belgique de l'acarien Gromphadorholaelaps schaeferi Till, 1969 (Acari, Mesostigmata, Laelapidae) associ? ? la blatte Gromphadorhina portentosa (Schaum) (Blaberidae). - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 127: 335.
92. DE MEYER, M. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1991 - Australasian species of the genus Jassidophaga Acz?l (Pipunculidae, Diptera). - Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 127: 201-205.
93. GROOTAERT, P. & CHVALA, M. - 1992 - Monograph of the genus Platypalpus (Diptera: Empidoidea, Hybotidae) of the Mediterranean region and the Canary Islands. - Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Biologica, 36 (1-2): 226 pp., 262 figs.
94. DELETTRE, Y., TR?HEN, P. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1992 - Space heterogeneity, space use and short-range dispersal in Diptera: A case study. - Landscape Ecology, 6 (3): 175-181.
95. DE MEYER, M. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1992 - Pipunculidae (Diptera) from Australia: the genera Cephalops Fall?n and Beckerias Acz?l. - Invertebrate Taxonomy, 6: 143-158.
96. GROOTAERT, P., 1992. New species of the genus Chersodromia Walker (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae) from the northern coast of Papua New Guinea. Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 128: 235-244.
97. GROOTAERT, P. 1992. A note on a collection of Platypalpus (Diptera Empidoidea Hybotidae) from Durmitor National Park (Montenegro) with the description of a new species. Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie 128: 197-202.
98. POLLET, M., MEUFFELS, H. & GROOTAERT, P., 1992. Geographical distribution and habitat selection of species of the subgenus Hercostomus (Gymnopternus) in the Benelux (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Proceedings of the colloquium of the European Invertebrate Survey, 101-113.
99. POLLET, M., MEUFFELS, H. & GROOTAERT, P., 1992. Dolichopodid Flies at De Mandelhoek Nature Reserve (Belgium): an example of the importance of SMALL Nature Reserves to Invertebrates. Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 128: 213-228.
100. GROOTAERT, P. 1993. Faunistics and phenology of Platypalpus species in central Mediterranean Spain. Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 129: 20-25.
101. DE MEYER, M., BRUNEL, E. & P. GROOTAERT, 1993. Pipunculid records from France (Diptera: Pipunculidae). Phegea 21(3): 97-99.
102. FAIN, A. & GROOTAERT, P., 1993. A new larval Trombidiid of the genus Microtrombidium (Acari, Trombidiidae) parasitic on shore flies (Diptera, Canacidae) in the Gal?pagos Is. Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 129: 151-157.
103. VERSTRAETEN, CH., GROOTAERT, P., COULON, G., 1992. M?thodes et responsabilit?s des Entomologistes d'aujourd'hui. Troisi?me Conf?rence internationale des Entomologistes d'expression fran?aise. Gembloux. M?moires de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie 35 (1), (2): 754 pp.
104. VAN GOETHEM, J.L. & GROOTAERT, P. 1992. Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium of the European Invertebrate Survey, Brussels, 248 pp.
105. MEUFFELS H.J.G. & GROOTAERT, P., 1993. Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea XI. The genus Asyndetus on the northern coast. Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie 129: 245-273, 30 Figs.
106. GROOTAERT, P. & MEUFFELS, H.J.G., 1993. Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea X. Description of new species of the marine genus Cymatopus Kert?sz. Invertebrate Taxonomy, 7: 1575-1588, 24 figs.
107. POLLET, M. & P. GROOTAERT, 1994. Optimizing the water trap technique to collect Empidoidea (Diptera). Studia dipterologica, 1(1): 33-48.
108. GROOTAERT, P. 1994. Biodiversity in insects - Speciation and behaviour in Diptera. Proceedings Congress on Biodiversity. In: HOFFMANN, M. & P. VAN DER VEKEN (eds), Proceedings of the Symposium on "Biodiversity: Study, Exploration, Conservation", Ghent, 18 November 1992: 121-141.
109. GROOTAERT, P. 1994. Two new genera of empidoids flies (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae, Tachydromiinae) from Melanesia. Studia dipterologica 1 (2), 141-156, 23 Figs.
110. FAIN, A. & P. GROOTAERT. 1994. Four new species of larval Microtrombidiidae (Acari) parasitic on Diptera (Insecta) from Papua New Guinea and Brunei (Borneo). Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, serie Entomologie 64: 165-177, 22 Figs.
111. POLLET, M. & P. GROOTAERT. 1994. The dolichopodid fauna of coastal habitats in Belgium (Dolichopodidae, Diptera). Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie 130: 331-344.
112. GROOTAERT, P., 1995. A contribution to the knowledge of the remarkable fauna of the gypsiferous hills of Los Monegros (Zaragosa, Spain): The genus Platypalpus (Diptera, Empidoidea) with the description of five new species. Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie 131: 107-125, 31 Figs.
113. LAVERY, T.A. & GROOTAERT, P., 1995. A provisional list of the species of Platypalpus (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae) of France. International Newsletter Empidoidea, 1: 6 pp.
114. GROOTAERT, P., STARK, A. & MEUFFELS, H.J.G., 1995. Notes on Mediterranean Teuchophorus species with the description of a new species from the nature reserve in El Kala, north east Algeria (Diptera, Empidoidea, Dolichopodidae). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie, 65: 109-113.
115. GROOTAERT, P., 1995. The Platypalpus fauna of Malta (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae) with description of new species. Studia dipterologia, 2: 239-248.
116. GROOTAERT, P. & MEUFFELS, H.J.G., 1995. Dolichopodidae from Papua New Guinea XII. The genus Mesorhaga on the northern coast. Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 131: 305-317.
117. FAIN, A. & GROOTAERT, P., 1995. A new species of the genus Paputrombidium FAIN, 1992 (Acari: Trombidiidae) from a fly Chersodromia spp. (Diptera; Hybotidae) from Papua New Guinea. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie, 65: 105-107.
118. GROOTAERT, P., 1996. Species radiation of predatory empidoids (Insecta, Diptera) in lowland rainforest in northern Papua New Guinea. In D.S. EDWARDS et al. (eds.) Tropical Rainforest Research - Current Issues, Brunei.: 183-192.
119. POLLET, M. & GROOTAERT, P., 1996. An estimation of the natural value of dune habitats using Empidoidea (Diptera). Biodiversity and Conservation 5: 859-880.
120. MEUFFELS, H.J.G. & GROOTAERT, P., 1996. Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea XIII. A remarkable new subgenus in the genus Chrysotus. Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 132: 223-231.
121. FAIN, A. & GROOTAERT, P., 1996. Observations sur des Acariens (Acari: Epidermoptidae) parasites d'Ornithomyia avicularia (L.) (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) de Belgique. Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 132: 183-186.
122. FAIN, A. & P. GROOTAERT, 1996. The genus Durenia VERCAMMEN-GRANDJEAN, 1955 (Acari: Trombellidae) in Papua New Guinea. Description of a new species. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie 66: 51-55.
123. GROOTAERT, P. & EVENHUIS, N., 1997. A New Species of Thinophilus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 48: 74-77.
124. GROOTAERT, P. & MEUFFELS, H.J.G., 1997. Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea XIV. Paramedetera, a new genus in the Medeterinae. Invertebrate Taxonomy, 11: 309-319.
125. MEUFFELS, H.J.G. & P. GROOTAERT. 1997. Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea XVI. Scotiomyia a new Sympycnine genus from the rain forest with notes on the Papuan Sympycninae. Studia dipterologica, 4(1): 247-255.
126. GROOTAERT, P. & STARK, A., 1997. A new species of the genus Platypalpus Macq. from Saxonia-Anhalt (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae). Reichenbachia, 32(21): 125-128.
127. GROOTAERT, P. & MEUFFELS, H.J.G., 1997. Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea XV. Scepastopyga gen. nov. and the establishment of a new subfamily, the Achalcinae. Journal of Natural History, 31: 1587-1600.
128. GROOTAERT, P. & H.J.G. MEUFFELS, 1997. Griphomyia (Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Peloropeodinae) a new genus from southern Thailand. Belgian Journal of Zoology 127: 107-114. 15 figs.
129. MEUFFELS, H.J.K. & GROOTAERT, P., 1997. A remarkable new sympycnine genus Hercostomoides from South Asia, with remarks on the genus Telmaturgus (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Studia dipterologica, 4(2): 473-478.
130. DELETTRE, Y., MORVAN, N. & TR?HEN, P. & P. GROOTAERT, 1998. Local biodiversity and multi-habitat use in empidoid flies (Insecta: Diptera, Empidoidea). Biodiversity and Conservation, 7: 9-25.
131. GROOTAERT, P. & H.J.G. MEUFFELS, 1998 (1997). New Paramedetera GROOTAERT & MEUFFELS, 1997 from South Asia (Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Medeterinae). Bulletin et Annales de la Soci?t? royale belge d'Entomologie, 133: 375-388.
132. MERZ, B., CHVALA, M., GROOTAERT, P. & STARK, A., 1998. Hybotidae. IN: Fauna Helvetica Diptera Checklist (eds. MERZ, B., B?CHLI, G., HAENNI, J.P. & GONSETH, Y.): 181-186.
133. GROOTAERT, P. & H.J.G. MEUFFELS, 1998. Description of Nanothinophilus gen. n. from mangroves in South Thailand with a revision of Paralleloneurum Becker (Insecta, Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Zoologica scripta, 27(3): 165-174.
134. GROOTAERT, P. 1998 - Hybotidae. In OOSTERBROEK (Ed.) The families of Diptera of the Malay Archipelago. Fauna Malesiana Handbooks, Brill, Leiden: 97-99.
135. POLLET, M. & P. GROOTAERT. (1999). Dolichopodidae (Diptera): poorly known but excellent agents for site quality assessment and nature conservation. Proceedings Experimental and applied entomology N.E.V.10: 63-68.
136. GROOTAERT, P. & H. MEUFFELS - 1998 - New data on Griphophanes nom.nov. from South Thailand (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen 68: 179.
137. GROOTAERT, P. & H. MEUFFELS (1998d) - Haplopharynx, a new genus
incertae sedis from rain forest in Thailand (Diptera, Dolichopodidae).
Studia dipterologica 5: 253-259.
138. GROOTAERT, P. & H. MEUFFELS - 1999 - Discovery of Terpsimyia
semicincta Becker, a marine dolichopodid fly in the Gulf of Siam (Insecta
Diptera Dolichopodidae). Belgian Journal of Entomology 1(1): 153-159.
139. GROOTAERT, P. & H. MEUFFELS - 1999 - Description of Chaetogonopteron chaeturum n.sp. a very common dolichopodid fly from South Thailand (Insecta Diptera Dolichopodidae). Belgian Journal of Entomology, 1(2): 335-341.
140. YANG D. & P. GROOTAERT, 1999a. Dolichopodidae (Diptera: Empidoidea) from Xishuangbanna (China, Yunnan province): the Dolichopodinae and the genus Chaetogonopteron (I). Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. Serie Entomologie 69, 251-277.
141. YANG D. & P. GROOTAERT, 1999b . New and little known species of Dolichopodidae from China (V). Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. Serie Entomologie 69, 215-232.
142. MEUFFELS, H.J.G. & P. GROOTAERT (1999). New names in the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera). Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. Serie Entomologie 69, 289-292.
143. GROOTAERT, P. & L. CR?VECOEUR (1999). Dansvliegen van het trilveen “Ven onder de Berg” te Maasmechelen, een uniek habitat in Vlaanderen met een eerste melding van Syndyas nigripes voor de Belgische fauna (Diptera Empidoidea). Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie 135: 184-187.
143. bis. BONT, D., BAERT, L., RANSY, M., DEKONINK, W. & GROOTAERT, P. 1999. Spinnen van de Latemse Meersen: soorten samenstelling in functie van het grondgebruik. Nwsbr. Belg. Arachnol. Ver., 14 (2-3): 68-82.
144. VANDEKERKHOVE, K., VAN DE KERCKHOVE, P., DE VOS, BR., VAN DEN MEERSCHAUT, DESENDER, K., GROOTAERT, P., DE BAKKER, D., F?LDVARY, M., GEUDENS, G. & J.P. MAELFAIT. 1999. Ongewervelden in de bosreservaten van Meerdaalwoud. Een kort toelichting bij het lopende onderzoek. 129-144.
145. GROOTAERT, P., DING YANG & Toyohei SAIGUSA 2000. Empididae (Diptera: Empidoidea) from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan (I): Hemerodromiinae. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. Serie Entomologie 66, 12 pp.
145. bis. GROOTAERT, P. 1998 (1999). The genus Platypalpus (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae) in the gypsiferous hills of los Monegros. Bol. S.E.A. 24: 147-148.
146. ARDESHIR, F., DE SAINT-GEORGES-GRIDELET, D., GROOTAERT, P., TIRRY, L. & G. WAUTHY, 2000. Preliminary observations on mites with stored grains in Iran. Belgian Journal of Entomology. 2: 287-293.
147. DE BRUYN, L., GROOTAERT, P., POLLET, M. & DE KNIJF G. (2000). Hebben ongewervelden toekomst in onze tuinen? ANKONA 1999. 68-81.
148. FAIN, A. & P. GROOTAERT, (2001). A new larval Microtrombidiidae (Acari) phoretic on a Ceratopogonid fly (Insecta: Diptera) from Southern China. Belgian Journal of Entomology 3: 189-194.
149. GROOTAERT, P. & VERAPONG KIATSOONTHORN (2001) First records of the dance fly genus Hilara in Thailand with the description of five new species. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society 49: 17-27.
150. GROOTAERT, P. & H. MEUFFELS, (2001). A note on the marine dolichopodid flies from Thailand (Insecta, Diptera, Dolichopodidae) Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 49: 339-353.
151. GROOTAERT, P. & H. MEUFFELS, (2001). Three new Southeast Asian Dolichopodinae from the Hercostomus complex, with long stalked hypopygia, and with the description of a new genus (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Studia dipterologica 8: 207-216.
152. GROOTAERT, P., M. POLLET & D. MAES, (2001). A Red Data Book of empidid flies of Flanders (northern Belgium) (Diptera, Empididae s.l.): constraints and possible use in nature conservation. Journal of Insect Conservation 5 (2): 117-129.
153. GROOTAERT, P., DEKONINCK, W. & D. BONTE (2001). Therevidae (Diptera) in the East-Flemish inland dunes, pioneers on sandy soils. Bulletin K.B.V.E. 137: 32-35.
154. GROOTAERT, P. & Fr. VANKERCKHOVEN (2001). Dansvliegen (Empididae s.l.) in het reservaat van de Demerbroeken te Zichem. Bulletin K.B.V.E. 137: 32-35.
155. DE BAKKER, D, BONTE, D., DEKONINCK, W., VERSTEIRT, V. & P. GROOTAERT (2001). Het effect van natuurontwikkeling op voormalige akkers op de spinnenfauna (Araeneae): Nieuwsbrief Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging 15 (3): 57-95.
156. DEKONINCK, W., VERSTEIRT, V. & P. GROOTAERT. (2001). Rediscovery of a colony of Polyergus rufescens (Latreille, 1798) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Belgium: Observations at the “Hageven” nature reserve. Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie 137: 98-101
157. PAUWELS, O., GROOTAERT, P. & PIYAWAN NIYOWAN (2001). Rhamphotyphlops braminus in Ko Samed. Herpetological Review. 1 pp.
158. MEUFFELS, H. & P. GROOTAERT (2002). The genus Phrudoneura MEUFFELS & GROOTAERT in New Caledonia (Diptera, Empidoidea, Dolichopodidae). Annales de la Soci?t? entomologique de France (Nouv. S?rie) 38 : 71-78.
159. YANG Ding, GROOTAERT, P. & Hongyan SONG (2002). New and little known species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China XII. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie 72: 213-220.
160. EVENHUIS, N. & P. GROOTAERT (2002). Annotated Checklist of the Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of Singapore, with New Records and Descriptions of New Species. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 50: 301-316.
161. SHAMSHEV, I. & P. GROOTAERT, 2002. Notes on the Platypalpus luteoloides complex in Central Asia (Diptera, Hybotidae): an example of latitudinal variation in the Palaearctic. Belgian Journal of Entomology 4: 105-112.
162. SHAMSHEV, I. & P. GROOTAERT, 2002 (2003). A new genus of Microphorinae (Diptera, Empidoidea) from New Zealand. Belgian Journal of Entomology 4: 129-144.
163. GROOTAERT, P. & H. MEUFFELS (2002). New species of Asyndetus, presumed commensal flies of crabs, in Thailand (Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Diaphorinae). The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University. 2: 37-45.
164. VERSTEIRT, V., W. DEKONINCK, K. DESENDER & P. GROOTAERT (2002). Ground beetles communities as evaluation of reconverted arable land into heathland and dry oligothrophic grasslands (Flanders, Belgium). In Szyszko et al. (Eds): How to protect and what we know about Carabid beetles. Warshaw Agricultural University Press: 143-154.
165. BONTE, D., STRUYVE, T., DEKONINCK, W., VERSTEIRT, V. & P. GROOTAERT. 2002. The influence of heathland restoration of former arable fields on the presence of robberflies (Diptera: Asilidae). Studia dipterologica 9: 693-702.
166. DAUGERON, Ch. & P. GROOTAERT (2003). The Empis (Coptophlebia) hyalea-group from Thailand, with a discussion of the world distribution of this species group (Diptera: Empididae: Empidinae). European Journal of Entomology. 100: 167-179.
167. DAUGERON, C. & GROOTAERT, P. (2003). Assessment of monophyly of species-groups within Afrotropical Empidini (Diptera: Empididae: Empidinae), with a cladistic analysis of the Empis setitarsus-group. Systematic Entomology, 28, 339-360.
168. BONTE, D., DEKONINCK, W. & P. GROOTAERT. (2002). A contribution to the distribution and ecology of Asilid flies in the sandy regions of Flanders (Diptera: Asilidae) with a focus on the paucity in the Flemish coastal dunes. Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie 138: 20-28.
169. ZHANG LILI, DING YANG & PATRICK GROOTAERT (2003). Notes on Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Guangdong, China. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, serie Entomologie 73: 181-188.
170. ZHANG Lili, Ding YANG & PATRICK GROOTAERT (2003). New species of Chrysotimus and Hercostomus from Beijing. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, serie Entomologie 73: 189-194.
171. GROOTAERT, P., DING YANG & LILI ZHANG. 2003. New species of
Hilara (Diptera, Empididae) from Guangdong province in China. Bulletin
van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, serie Entomologie
73: 77-84.
172. DAUGERON, C., GROOTAERT, P. & DING YANG. 2003. New species of the Empis (Coptophlebia) hyalea-group (Diptera, Empididae) from Guangdong province in China. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, serie Entomologie. 73: 55-66.
173. MEUFFELS, H. & P. GROOTAERT, 2004 (published in 2003). The genus Teuchophorus in South-east Asia and New Guinea, description of new species, species-groups and their phylogeny (Insecta, Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Journal of Natural History 38: 143-258.
174. TOMASOVIC, G. & P. GROOTAERT (2003). New Asilidae from Thailand: contribution 1. Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie 139: 252-258.
175. GROOTAERT, P. & I.V. SHAMSHEV (2003). A note on the remarkable empidid fauna (Diptera, Empididae, Hybotidae, Atelestidae) of Corsica. Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie 139: 243-252.
176. GROOTAERT, P. & VERAPONG KIATSOONTHORN (2003). Insects of Na Haeo: a preliminary survey and seasonal dynamics of dolichopodid and empidid flies. (La-aw Ampornpan and Shivcharn S. Dhillion. Eds.). The Environment of Na Haeo, Thailand: Biodiversity, non-timber products, land use and conservation. Craftsman Press Ltd, Bangkok. 121-135.
177. SHAMSHEV, I. & P. GROOTAERT, (2004). Description of four new species of the genus Microphorella. Becker (Diptera: Empidoidea, Parathalasiini) from Southeast Asia and Papua New Guinea, with notes on the relationships within the genus. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52: 45-58.
178. POLLET, M., MEUFFELS, H. & P. GROOTAERT. (2003). Status of the Dolichopodidae of the Flemish Red Data Book in the Netherlands. Proceedings of the 13th International Colloquium E.I.S. September 2001: 61-66.
179. GROOTAERT, P. & H. MEUFFELS, (2004). Family Dolichopodidae (Diptera, Brachycera). In C. Yule (Ed.): The Freshwater Invertebrate Fauna of the Malaysian Region. 804-808.
179bis. VERSTEIRT, V., DEKONINCK, W., De BAKKER, D., POLLET, M., PAULY, A; & GROOTAERT, P. 2003. The effects of nature restoration on the entomofauna in former arable land: restoration of brackish grasslands in the “Uitkerkse polder” (Blankenberge). Bulletin S.R.B.E./K.B.V.E., 139: 19-27.
180. GROOTAERT, P. (2004). Family Empididae (Diptera, Brachycera). In C. YULE (Ed.): The Freshwater Invertebrate Fauna of the Malaysian Region. 809-818.
181. LIU, X., YANG, D. & GROOTAERT, P. – (2004). The discovery of Euhybos in the Oriental Realm, with Description of One New Species (Diptera: Empidoidea; Hybotinae) Transactions of the American Entomological Society 130: 85-89.
182. GROOTAERT, P. & M. POLLET. (2004). Vliegen als onontbeerlijke elementen in de ecologie van strand en duin. In: PROVOOST, S. & BONTE, D. (red.) Levende duinen: een overzicht van de biodiversiteit aan de Vlaamse Kust. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud 22, Brussel: 208-219.
183. GROOTAERT, P. & M. POLLET. (2004). 10. Dansvliegen. In: PROVOOST, S. & BONTE, D. (red.) Levende duinen: een overzicht van de biodiversiteit aan de Vlaamse Kust. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud 22, Brussel: 220-234.
183bis - POLLET, M., GROOTAERT, P., DESENDER, K. & J.P. MAELFAIT (2004). 11. Slankpootvliegen. In: PROVOOST, S. & BONTE, D. (red.) Levende duinen: een overzicht van de biodiversiteit aan de Vlaamse Kust. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud 22, Brussel: 236-251.
184. YANG, D., GROOTAERT, P. & HORVAT, B., 2004. A new species of Chelipoda Macquart, with key to the species from China (Insecta: Diptera, Empididae). Aquatic Insects 26: 69-74.
185. GROOTAERT, P. & I.V. SHAMSHEV, 2003 (2004). New species of the genus Nanodromia Grootaert (Diptera: Empidoidea, Hybotidae) from Thailand and Singapore. The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University 3 (2): 41-52.
186. YANG, D., GROOTAERT, P. & HORVAT, B. – (2004). A new species of Dolichocephala Macquart, with key to the species from China (Insecta: Diptera, Empididae). Aquatic Insects 26: 215-219.
187. SHAMSHEV, I. & P. GROOTAERT. (2005). Description of three new yellow Hilara species (Diptera: Empididae) from Southeast Asia. Belgian Journal of Entomology 6: 393-401.
188. DEKONINCK, W., De KONINCK, H., GASPAR, C., GROOTAERT, P. GODEAU J.-F. & J.-P. MAELFAIT. 2004. Comments on rare and doubtful Belgian ant species and rediscovery of Myrmica lobicornis Nylander, 1846 (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). Bulletin K.B.V.E. 140: 31-33.
189. YANG, D. & P. GROOTAERT, 2004. Review of the species of Syneches from Guangdong. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 52: 347-350. 6 figs.
190. SHAMSHEV, I.V. & P. GROOTAERT, (2004). A review of the genus Stilpon Loew (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae) from the Oriental region. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 52: 315-346. 85 figs.
191. ZHANG, L., YANG, D. & GROOTAERT, P., (2004) Revision of the Dolichopus tewoensis-group from China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Biologia Bratislava, 59: 553-557. 13 figs.
192. YANG, D. & P. GROOTAERT, 2004. A new species of Chillcottomyia from China (Diptera: Empididae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 130: 165-168.
193. DEKONINCK, W., DESENDER, K. & P. GROOTAERT. 2004. Observations of Platynaspis luteorubra (Goeze) along motorway verges surrounding Brussels, with comments on its habitat and host preference (Coleoptera, Coccinelidae). Bulletin K.B.V.E. 140: 123-125.
194. DESENDER, K., GROOTAERT, P., DEKONINCK, W., BAERT, L., DE BAKKER, D., PAULY, A. & J.-P. MAELFAIT 2004. Evaluatie van de natuurwaarde van de bermen en hun beheer langs de noordelijke ring rond Brussel Bulletin K.B.V.E. 140: 126-139.
195. GROOTAERT, P., SHAMSHEV, I., F?LDV?RI, M., & J. MENTEN. 2004. Update of the Belgian list of Empis sensu stricto (Diptera: Empidoidea, Empididae) with some new species for the Belgian fauna. Bulletin K.B.V.E. 140: 96-100.
196. DEKONINCK, W. MAELFAIT J.P., F. VANKERKHOVEN & P. GROOTAERT. 2005. Remarks on the distribution and use of a provisional red list of the ants of Flanders (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). In D. PROCTER & P. HARDING Eds. Proceedings of IN Cardiff, 2003. 74-85.
197. SHAMSHEV, I.V. & GROOTAERT, P. (2005). Two new species of the genus Chersodromia Walker (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Southeast Asia. Zootaxa 942: 1-10.
198. YANG D., GAIMARI, St. & P. GROOTAERT, 2004. Review of the species of Drapetis Meigen from China (Diptera: Empididae: Tachydromiinae). J. New York Entomological Society 112: 106-110.
198 bis. YANG D., GAIMARI, St. & GROOTAERT, P 2004. Review of the Species of the Genus Crossopalpus Bigot (Diptera: Empididae) from China. Transaction of the American entomological Society, 130 (2): 169-175
199. YANG, D., GAIMARI, St. & P. GROOTAERT, 2005. New species of Hybos Meigen from Guangdong province, South China (Diptera: Hybotidae). Zootaxa 912: 1-7.
200. SHAMSHEV, I.V. & GROOTAERT, P., 2005. Eothalassius, a new genus of parathalasiine flies (Diptera, Empidoidea, Dolichopodidae) from Southeast Asia and Papua New Guinea. European Journal of Entomology 102, 107-118.
201. YANG, D., GROOTAERT, P. & B. HORVAT, 2005. A new species of Clinocera Meigen (Diptera: Empididae) from China. Zootaxa 908: 1-4.
202. WANG, M., YANG, D. & GROOTAERT, P., 2005. Chrysotimus Loew from China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Zootaxa, 1003: 1-32. 61 figs.
203. YANG D., GROOTAERT, P. & B. HORVAT, 2005. Two new species of Trichopeza Rondani (Diptera: Empididae) from South China, with a key to the wordl species. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 53: 99-102.
204. DAUGERON, C. & GROOTAERT, P. 2005. Phylogenetic systematics of the Empis (Coptophlebia) hyalea-group (Insecta: Diptera: Empididae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 145: 339-391.
205. DAUGERON, Ch. & P. GROOTAERT. 2005. Empidine dance flies from Singapore and southern Malaysia (Diptera Empididae Empidinae). The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 53 (2): 211-220.
206. DEKONINCK, W., & P. GROOTAERT. (2005). Rediscovery of Lasius bicornis (F?rster, 1857) in Belgium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie 141: 27-29.
207. DEKONINCK, W, DESENDER, K., GROOTAERT, P. & J-P. MAELFAIT, 2005.The effects on arthropods of tree plantation and spontaneous afforestation on former agricultural land near old forests in the Voeren region (Belgium). Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie 75: 221-234.
208. DEKONINCK, W, PALS, P., P. GROOTAERT, 2005. Hoverflies communities on former agricultural fields: a study of afforestation and planted forests stand in the Voeren Region. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie 75: 281-290.
209. DEKONINCK, W, MAELFAIT J-P, GROOTAERT, P. & K. DESENDER, 2005. Comparative study of the terrestrial isopod faunas of ancient forests and afforested former agricultural fields. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie 75: 271-279.
210. DESENDER, K., DEKONINCK, W. & P. GROOTAERT, 2005. Diversity and assemblages of carabid beetles in ancient forests and former agricultural land. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie 75: 253-265.
211. GROOTAERT, P., DEKONINCK, W. & K. DESENDER (2005). Succession of dance fly fauna (Diptera: Empidoidea: Empididae, Hybotidae, Microphoridae) in ancient forests and afforested former agricultural land: a case-study in the “Voerstreek” (Belgium, Flanders): faunistics and new species for the Belgian fauna. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie 75: 305-319.
212. GROOTAERT, P., DESENDER, K., VESTEIRT, V., DEKONINCK, W., DE BAKKER, D., VAN DER WIJDEN, B. & R. VERLINDE. 2005. Pilot study on tree canopy fogging in an ancient oak-beech plot of the Sonian forest (Brussels, Belgium). 2005. Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie 141: 73-80.
213. LOCK, K., DEKONINCK, W. & P. GROOTAERT, 2005. Effects of forest developmental stage on centipeds communities. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie 75: 267-270.
214. POLLET, M., DEKONINCK, W. & P. GROOTAERT, 2005. Faunistics of the dolichopodid fauna (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with records of species with special faunistic interest. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie 75:291-303.
215. RODRIGUEZ-RODRIGUEZ, M. DOLORES, GROOTAERT, P., VENTURA PEREZ, D., GOMEZ-RAMOS, M. MAR. (2005). La Familia Hybotidae (Diptera : Empidoidea), Dipteros de la entomofauna Horticola Almeriense. Phytoma – Espana 174: 29-38.
216. SHAMSHEV, I.V., GROOTAERT, P. & YANG DING (2005). Two new species of the genus Stilpon from China (Diptera: Hybotidae). Genus 16: 299-305.
217. SHAMSHEV, I. & P. GROOTAERT. (2005). New data on the genus Stilpon Loew (Diptera:Hybotidae) from the Palaearctic region, with description of new species from Tajikistan. Belgian Journal of Entomology 5: 3-8.
218. SHAMSHEV, I., GROOTAERT, P. (2005). New data on the genus Empis Linnaeus (Diptera: Empididae) from Iran, with descriptions of two new species. Studia dipterologica 12 (1), 29-36.
219. SHAMSHEV, I., GROOTAERT, P. (2005). The genus Tachydromia Meigen (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Southeast Asia, with description of three new species. Studia dipterologica 12 (1): 109-117
220. WANG, M., YANG, D. & P. GROOTAERT. 2005. Description of two new species of Chaetogonopteron with a key to species of the Sympycnus-Chaetogonopteron complex (Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Sympycninae) in China. Biologia, Bratislava, 60: 507-511.
221. WANG, M., YANG, D. & P. GROOTAERT. 2005. New species of Chaetogonopteron (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Guangdong, China. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie 75:215-219.
222. YANG DING & P. GROOTAERT, 2005. Two new species of Hybos from Guangdong (Diptera: Empidoidea: Hybotinae). Annales zoologici 55: 409-411.
223. YANG, D., GAIMARI, ST. & P. GROOTAERT (2005). New species of Hybos Meigen from Guangdong province, South China (Diptera: Hybotidae). Zootaxa 912: 1-7.
224. YANG, D., GROOTAERT, P. & HORVAT, B., (2005). A new species of Chelifera Macquart, with a key to the species from China (Diptera: Empididae). Aquatic Insects 27: 231-234.
225. GROOTAERT, P. (2006). Paramedetera (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) in Singapore with a key to the Oriental species. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54: 49-57.
226. GROOTAERT, P. (2006). The genus Teuchophorus (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) in Singapore. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54: 59-82.
227. GROOTAERT, P., YANG, D. & WANG, M., (2006) First record of
Syntormon from Singapore, with the description of a new species (Insecta,
Diptera, Dolichopodidae)
Zootaxa 1114: 53-59.
228. GROOTAERT, P. & N. EVENHUIS (2006). On the distribution of the marine genus Thinolestris, with a description of a new species from Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei. Zootaxa 1134: 59-68.
229. HOFFMANN, M., ADAM, S., BAERT, L., BONTE, D., CHAVATTE, N., CLAUS, R., , DE BELDER, W., DE FR?, B., DEGRAER, S., DE GROOTE, D., DEKONINCK, W., DESENDER, K., DEVOS, K., ENGLEDOW, H., GROOTAERT, P., HARDIES, N., LELIAERT, F., MAELFAIT, J.-P., MONBALIU, J., POLLET, M., PROVOOST, S., STICHELMANS, E., TOORMAN, E., VAN NIEUWENHUYSE, H., VERCRUYSSE, E., VINCX, M., WITTOECK, J. 2005. Integrated monitoring of nature restoration along ecotones, the example of the Yser estuary. International Conference of Nature Restoration Practices in European Coastal Habitats. Koksijde, Belgium, 19-23 September 2005. 191-208
230. SPEYBROECK, J., BONTE, D., COURTENS, W., GHESKIERE, T., GROOTAERT, P., MAELFAIT, J.P., MATHYS, M., PROVOOST, S., SABBE, K., STIENEN, E., VAN DE WALLE, M., VAN LANCKER, V., VAN LANDUYT, W., VERCRUYSSE, E., VINCX, M. & DEGRAER, 2005. How may beach nourishment affect the sandy beach ecosystem? The case of Belgian beaches. International Conference of Nature Restoration Practices in European Coastal Habitats. Koksijde, Belgium, 19-23 September 2005: 557-568
231. GROOTAERT, P. & I. SHAMSHEV (2006). The genus Platypalpus Macquart (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Northeast Thailand with comments on the species groups in the Oriental region. Journal of Natural History 39 (47): 4031-4065.
232. YANG DING & P. GROOTAERT (2006). Two new species of Hybos (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae) from China. Biologia, Bratislava 61(2): 161-163.
233. SHAMSHEV, I., GROOTAERT, P. & A. STARK. (2006). Notes on a remarkable abdominal structure in Crossopalpus Bigot (Diptera: Hybotidae), with new records from Southeast Asia. Studia dipterologica 12 (1), 331-336.
234. SPEYBROEK, J., BONTE, D, COURTENS, W., GHESKIERE, T., GROOTAERT, P., MAELFAIT, J.-P., MATHYS, M., PROVOOST, S., SABBE, K., STIENEN, E.W.M., VAN LANCKER, V., VINCX, M. & ST. DEDGRAER (2006). Beach nourishment: An ecologically sound coastal defence alternative? A review. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 16: 419-435.
236. SHAMSHEV, I., GROOTAERT, P. (2005). Description of two new species of the genus Stilpon Loew (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Cambodia. The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University 6 (1): 37-42.
236. YANG, D. & GROOTAERT, P. (2006). Notes on Tachydromia from China (Diptera: Hybotidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 123: 133-135.
237. YANG, D. & GROOTAERT, P. (2006). Two new species of Elaphropeza (Diptera: Hybotidae) from China. Entomological News 117: 219-222.
238. YANG DING, MERZ, B. & P. GROOTAERT (2006). Description of three new species of Platypalpus Macquart from Guangdong (Diptera: Hybotidae, Tachydromiinae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 113 : 229-238.
239. YANG DING, MERZ, B. & P. GROOTAERT (2006). Revision of Elaphropeza Macquart from Guangdong (Diptera: Hybotidae, Tachydromiinae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 113 : 569-578.
240. YANG DING & P. GROOTAERT (2006). A new species of Oedalea from China, with a key to the Asian species (Diptera, Hybotidae). Mitt. Mus. Nat. kd. Berl. Dtsch. entomol. Z. 53: 245-248.
241. MASUNAGA, K., SAIGUSA, T. & P. GROOTAERT (2005). Revision o the genus Thambemyia Oldroyd (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with description of a new subgenus. Entomological Science 8: 439-455. 45 Figs.
242. GRICHANOV, I. YA, KIRK-SPRIGSS A.H & P. GROOTAERT. (2006). An annoted checklist of the Namibian Dolichopodidae (Diptera) with the description of a new species of Grootaertia and a key to species of the genus. African Invertebrates 47, 207-227.
243. DEKONINCK, W., WEGNEZ, Ph., ESPADALER, X. & P. GROOTAERT (2006). First record of infestation of the ghost ant Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius, 1793) in Belgium (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) – A new indoor pest problem for the country. Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie 142: 25-28.
244. WANG, M., YANG, D. & GROOTAERT, P., (2006). Four new species of Diaphorus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from China. Zootaxa 1166: 1-20.
245. WANG, M., YANG, D. & GROOTAERT, P., (2006) New species of Teuchophorus Loew from China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Annales Zoologici 56: 315-321.
246. WANG, M., YANG, D. & GROOTAERT, P., (2006) Two new species of Teuchophorus Loew from Taiwan (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Entomologica fennica 17: 105-109.
247. WANG, M., YANG, D. & GROOTAERT, P., (2006). A peculiar new species of Neurigona (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from North China, Palaearctic Region. Bulletin de L’Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 76: 87-91.
248. YANG, D., MERZ, B. & GROOTAERT, P. – (2006). New yellow-legged Hybos from Nanling, Guangdong, China (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 113: 797-806.
249. ZHU YAJUN,YANG, DING. & GROOTAERT, P. 2006, A new species of Paramedetera, with a key to the species from China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Annales Zoologici 56: 323-326.
250. YANG, D., MERZ, B. & GROOTAERT, P. (2004). A new genus and species of Tachydromiinae (Diptera: Empididae) from the Oriental Realm. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 130: 487-492.
251. SHAMSHEV, I., & P. GROOTAERT (2007). Revision of the genus Elaphropeza Macquart (Diptera: Hybotidae) from the Oriental Region, with a special attention to the fauna of Singapore. Zootaxa 1488: 164pp, 261 figs.
252. GROOTAERT, P., CUMMING, J. & I. SHAMSHEV. (2007). Non-marine Chersodromia Walker from Southeast Asia and Papua New Guinea (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae). Zootaxa 1661: 55–61, 12 figs.
253. MEUFFELS, H. & P. GROOTAERT (2007). New longlegged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) of the Seychelles. Phelsuma 15: 28-62. 18 figs.
254. WANG, M., YANG, D. & GROOTAERT, P., (2007). Revision of the species of Acropsilus Mik (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from China. Biologia, Bratislava 62: 88-94.
255. WANG, M., YANG, D. & GROOTAERT, P., (2007). Notes on the Neurigona Rondani (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Chinese mainland. Zootaxa 1388: 25-43.
256. WANG, M., YANG, D. & GROOTAERT, P., (2007). Revision of the Nepalomyia pallipilosa species group (Diptera: Dolichopodidae: Peloropeodinae) Biologia Bratislava 62: 731-741.
257. YANG. D. & P. GROOTAERT (2007). Species of Syneches from Guangdong, China (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae). Deutsches entomologisches Zeitschrift 54: 137-141.
258. YANG. D. & P. GROOTAERT (2006). A new species of Chillcottomyia from Guizhou, with a key to species from China (Diptera: Empidoidea: Hybotinae). Annales zoologici 56: 311-313.
259. ZHANG, L., YANG, D. & P. GROOTAERT, (2007). Paraclius (Diptera: Dolichopodidae, Dolichopodinae) of Singapore, with new species from mangrove. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 55: 43-58.
260. ZHANG, L., YANG, D. & P. GROOTAERT, (2007). New Dolichopodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Pulau Tioman, Malaysia with description of four new species. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen 77: 243-249.
261. ZHU YAJUN,YANG, DING. & GROOTAERT, P., (2007) Neomedetera, a new genus in the subfamily Medeterinae (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from China. Annales entomologici 57 (2): 227-230
262. DEKONINCK, W., DESENDER, K. & P. GROOTAERT. (2008). Establishment of ant communities in spontaneous afforestations and plantations on former agricultural fields: colonisation and 25 years of management are not enough (Formicidae: Hymenoptera). European Journal of Entomology 105: 681-689.
263. GROOTAERT, P. (2008). New species of Platypalpus Maquart (Diptera, Hybotidae, Tachydromiinae) from Turkey. Bulletin de la Soci?t? royale belge d’Entomologie 144: 79-85.
264. GROOTAERT, P. & I. SHAMSHEV, (2008). Notes on the beach-dwelling genus Chersodromia (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Tunisia: description of a new brachypterous species with notes on brachyptery in empidoids. Bulletin de la Soci?t? royale belge d’Entomologie 144: 57-63.
265. GROOTAERT, P. & DING YANG, (2008). A new Hypenella (Empididae, Clinocerinae), a Palaearctic relict in Guangdong, South China. Annales Zoologici 58: 557-560.
266. GROOTAERT, P., DING YANG & I. SHAMSHEV (2008). Tachydromia Meigen from Yunnan (China), (Diptera, Hybotidae). Annales Zoologici 58: 561-566.
267. SHAMSHEV, I., & P. GROOTAERT (2008). New and little-known species of the genus Tachydromia Meigen (Diptera, Hybotidae) from Thailand. Zootaxa 1830: 21-36.
268. SPEYBROEK, J., BONTE, D, COURTENS, W., GHESKIERE, T., GROOTAERT, P., MAELFAIT, J.-P., MATHYS, M., PROVOOST, S., SABBE, K., STIENEN, E.W.M., VAN LANCKER, V., VINCX, M. & ST. DEGRAER (2008). The Belgian sandy beach ecosystem: a review. Marine ecology 29 (Suppl. 1): 171-185.
269. TOMASOVIC, G. & P. GROOTAERT (2008). Four new species of robber flies (Diptera: Asilidae) from the Oriental Region. Bulletin de la Soci?t? royale belge d’Entomologie 144: 71-78.
270. ZHANG, L., YANG, D. & P. GROOTAERT, (2008). Mangrove Hercostomus sensu lato (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) of Singapore. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 56: 17-28.
271. YANG. D. & P. GROOTAERT (2007). Species of Euhybus from the Oriental Region (Diptera: Empididoidea; Hybotinae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 133: 341-345.
272. GROOTAERT, P. & I. GRICHANOV (2008). A first record of Cymatopus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) fromMadagascar with the description of a new species. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie 78: 275-278.
273. WANG MENGQING, DING YANG & P. GROOTAERT (2008). New species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie 78: 251-257.
274. ZHANG, L., YANG, D. & P. GROOTAERT, (2008). New species of
Hercostomus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from China. Bulletin van het Koninklijk
Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie 78: 259-274.
275. GROOTAERT, P. (2009). Chapter 7. Oriental Diptera, a challenge in diversity and taxonomy: 197-226. In: Diptera Diversity: status, challenges and tools (Eds. T. Papp, D. Bickel & R. Meier) Koninklijke Brill NV.
276. MEUFFELS, H. & P. GROOTAERT (2009). 10. Superfamily Empidoidea. Family Dolichopodidae. 117-163, 430 Plate 2. In: GERLACH, J. (Ed.) (2009) The Diptera of the Seychelles islands, Pensoft Series Faunistica 85, Sofia-Moscow, 431 pp.
277. WANG, M., YANG, D. & GROOTAERT, P., (2009). New species of Nepalomyia from China (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) Zootaxa 2162: 37–49
278. LIM, G.S, WEI SONG Hwang, KUTTY, S., MEIER, R. & P. GROOTAERT (2009). Mitochondrial and nuclear markers of Oriental species support the monophyly of Dolichopodidae and suggest a rapid origin of the subfamilies (Diptera: Empidoidea). Systematic Entomology, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2009.00481.x
279. GROOTAERT, P., 2008 (2009). Who observed Adapsilia coarctata Waga 1842 (Pyrgotidae)? Bulletin de la Soci?t? royale belge d’Entomologie 144: 179.
280. GROOTAERT, P., 2008 (2009). In memoriam Konjev Desender 1956-2008. Bulletin de la Soci?t? royale belge d’Entomologie 144: 180-182.
281. GROOTAERT, P. & I. SHAMSHEV, 2009. Notes on some rare genera of Hybotidae and Empididae (Diptera) from temperate regions in Thailand. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen 79: 143-158.
282. GROOTAERT, P. 2009. In memoriam Dr. Konjev DESENDER (1956- 2008), entomologist and evolutionary ecologist. Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen 79: 7-34.
283. GROOTAERT, P., SHAMSHEV, I. & R. ANDRADE, 2009. Description of a new brachypterous Ariasella Gil (Diptera, Hybotidae, Tachydromiinae) from Portugal. Bulletin de la Soci?t? royale belge d’Entomologie 145: 45-48.
284. GROOTAERT, P. & I. SHAMSHEV, 2009. First records of Tachydromia Meigen and Tachypeza Meigen (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Viet Nam, with descriptions of four new species. Zootaxa 2249: 33-43.
285. GROOTAERT, P.,& I. SHAMSHEV, (2009). New species of the genus Elaphropeza MACQUART (Diptera: Hybotidae) with remarkable abdominal structures from Viet Nam. Studia dipterologica 15: 165-174.
286. GROOTAERT, P. & DING YANG, (2009) A new Syndyas Loew, 1857 (Diptera, Hybotidae, Hybotinae) from mangroves in Singapore, with a review of the Oriental and Australasian species. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57: 17-24.
287. SHAMSHEV, I & P. GROOTAERT, 2009. A new species of the genus Tachydromia Meigen (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Israel. Bulletin de la Soci?t? royale belge d’Entomologie 145: 43-44.
288. LI SHI, DING YANG & P. GROOTAERT (2009). New Hybos species from Oriental China (Diptera: Empididae). Transactions or the American entomological Society 135: 189-192.
289. SHAMSHEV I. & P. GROOTAERT, (2009). Two new species of the genus Tachydromia Meigen (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Malaysia. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57: 251-254.
290. SHAMSHEV I. & P. GROOTAERT, (2009). First data on the genus
Elaphropeza Macquart (Diptera: Hybotidae) fromMadagascar, with descriptions
of two new species. Bulletin de la Soci?t? royale belge d’Entomologie 145:
Present conservation status of red wood ants in north-western Belgium:
Worse than previously, but not a lost cause. European Journal of Entomology,
107(2): 209-218.
292. GROOTAERT, P. & I. SHAMSHEV (2010). A new Chersodromia Walker (Diptera: Hybotidae) from shore of the Sea of Azov (Russia). Zootaxa 2645: 64-68.
293. GROOTAERT, P., SHAMSHEV, I. & A. STARK (2010). Drapetis flavipes Macquart (Diptera, Hybotidae) new for the Belgian fauna, with a re-description of the species and a preliminary key to the West-European species of Drapetis. Bulletin de la Soci?t? royale belge d’Entomologie 146: 110-115.
294. GROOTAERT, P., SHAMSHEV, I. & R. ANDRADE (2010). Notes on Chersodromia from Portugal, Spain and France with the description of a new brachypterous species (Diptera, Hybotidae, Tachydromiinae). Bull. Soc. R. belge d’Entomologie 146: 203-206.
295. GROOTAERT, P., POLLET, M., DEKONINCK, W. & C. ACHTERBERG, 2010. Sampling insects: general techniques, strategies and remarks. In EYMANN, J., DEGREEF, .J, H?USER, CH., MONJE, J.C., SAMYN, Y. & VANDENSPIEGEL, D. Manual on field recording techniques and protocols for All Taxa Biodiversity Inventries and Monitoring. ABC Taxa, 8(2): 377-399.
296. SHAMSHEV I. & P. GROOTAERT, 2010. The genus Tachydromia Meigen (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Africa. African Invertebrates 51 (1): 207-218.
297. SHAN HUO, GROOTAERT, P. & DING YANG, (20010) . Two new yellow-legged species of the genus Hybos from Vietnam (Diptera: Empidoidea: Hybotinae). Zootaxa 2512: 47-55.
298. SOHIER, Ch., DEKONINCK, W., VERSTEIRT, V., DEBLAUWE, I., HENDRICKX, F. & P. GROOTAERT. (2009, 2010). Distribution of the genus Culicoides (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae) along the Scheldt and its tributaries in Flanders with special attention for the pest species Culicoides riethi. Bull. Soc. R. belge d’Entomologie 145: 141-142.
299. TOMASOVIC, G. & P. GROOTAERT (2010). Asilidae (Diptera) from mangrove, an unusual habitat for robber flies (Southeast Asia, Singapore) Bulletin de la Soci?t? royale belge d’Entomologie 146: 151-156.
300. VAN ACHTERBERG, C, GROOTAERT, P. & SHAW, M. (2010) Chapter
17. Flight interception traps for arthropods. ABC taxa Vol. 8, part 2,
& P. GROOTAERT. (2011) Human-Induced Expanded Distribution of Anopheles
plumbeus, Experimental Vector of West Nile Virus and a Potential Vector
of Human Malaria in Belgium. Journal of Medical Entomology 48(4): 924-928;
DOI: 10.1603/ME10235
records of Dolichopodidae from the Democratic Republic of Congo (Diptera:
Empidoidea). Cesa News 64: 12-22, 16 figs.
303. GROOTAERT, P. & SHAMSHEV, I. (2011) The genus Tachydromia
Meigen (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Australia. Records of the Australian Museum
63: 103-112.
304. NAGLIS, S. & GROOTAERT P. (2011) A remarkable new species of Rhaphium Meigen (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Sri Lanka. Zootaxa 2991: 44–48
305. NAGLIS, S., GROOTAERT P. & WEI L. 2011. Srilankamyia - a new dolichopodine genus (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara, Miscellaneous Papers 155: 1-7, 3 figs. [open access]
306. SHAMSHEV, I. & P. GROOTAERT (2011). The 70th Birthday Anniversary of Prof. Dr. Oleg Negrobov. Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Entomological Society 147: 174
Communications at symposia and congresses
C.1. GROOTAERT, P. & LIPPENS, P.L. - 1974 - Some ultrastructural changes in cuticle and hypodermis of Aporcelaimellus during the first moult (Nematoda: Dorylaimoidea). - XII Simposio International de Nematologia Granada, 34.
C.2. GROOTAERT, P., LIPPENS, P.L., ALI, S.S. & DE GRISSE, A.T. - 1976 - Histological investigations of the oesophagus of Hoplolaimus. - XXVIII Int. Symp. Fytiatrie en Fytofarmacie Gent, 5: 1.
C.3. GROOTAERT, P. - 1976 - Some ultrastructural observations on the head region and the buccal capsule, of Mononchus aquaticus. - XIIIth International symposium of Nematology, Dublin, 32-33.
C.4. GROOTAERT, P., LIPPENS, P.L. & COOMANS, A. - 1976 - On the formation of the feeding apparatus in Aporcelaimellus during moulting. - XIIIth International Symposium of Nematology, Dublin, 34-35.
C.5. DE FONSECA, P., LIPPENS, P.L. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1976 - Stomatal anatomy in Oncholaimus oxyuris (Nematoda, Enoplida: Oncholaimidae). - XIIIth International Symposium Nematology, Dublin, 21-22.
C.6. GROOTAERT, P. & JAQUES, A. - 1977 - Prey selection in Butlerius sp. (Rhabditida: Diplogasteridae). - XXIX Int. Symp. fytiatrie en fytofarmacie Gent, 7.6
C.7. WYSS, U. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1977 - Feeding mechanisms of Labronema sp. (Nematoda). - XXIX Int. Symposium Fytiatrie en Fytofarmacie Gent, 7.2.
C.8 GROOTAERT, P. & WYSS, U. - 1978 - Ultrastructure and function of the anterior feeding apparatus in Mononchus aquaticus. - 3rd International congress of Plant Pathology, M?nchen.
C.9. GROOTAERT, P. & COOMANS, A. - 1980 - The formation of the anterior feeding apparatus in Labronema and Aporcelaimellus. - XV. International Symposium of Nematology, Bari.
C.10. GROOTAERT, P. & DE MEYER, M. - 1984 - A Nephrocerus species, new to science from Belgium (Diptera, Pipunculidae). Abstract Poster Session. - Soc. r. zool. Belg., 114: 324.
C.11. GROOTAERT, P. - 1985 - Ph?nologie du genre Platypalpus (Diptera, Empidoidea). L'?nigme de la diversit? des esp?ces. - Fac. Sci. agron. Etat Gembloux, 17-18 sept. 1985: 41.
C.12. GROOTAERT, P. - 1986 - Observations on the genus Platypalpus (Diptera, Empidoidea) in Belgium. - First Int. Congress of Dipterology, Budapest. - Abstracts p. 88.
C.13. GROOTAERT, P. & POLLET, M. - 1987 - Comparison between different sampling techniques in determining the empidid fauna (Insecta, Diptera). - Poster 23 mei 1987 - Kon. zool. ver. Belg.
C.14. GROOTAERT, P. - 1988 - Diptera from Belgium: a survey. Abstr. Symp. Invertebrates Belg. p. 45.
C.15. POLLET, M., GROOTAERT, P. & H. MEUFFELS - 1988 - Relationship between habitat preference and distribution of dolichopodid flies in Flanders (Belgium) (Dipt. Dolichopodidae). Abstr. Symp. Invertebrates Belg. p. 71.
C.16. BRUNEL, E., GROOTAERT, P. & J. MESQUIDA - 1989 - Entomofauna associ?e ? la floraison du Colza (Brassica napus L.): note preliminaire sur les Dolichopodidae et les Empididae (Insectes: Diptera). Abstr. Symp. Fytiatrie en Fytofarmacie. 9 mei 1989.
C.17. DE LETTRE, Y., TREHEN, P. & P. GROOTAERT - 1990 - Inter-relations entre les flux d'esp?ces en environment h?t?rog?nes et les exigences ?cologiques de quelques esp?ces de Dipt?res. Ecologie du paysage, R?union de Restitution et d'Evaluation, Rennes 28-29 mai 1990.
C.18. GROOTAERT, P., TR?HEN, P. & BRUNEL, E. - 1990 - Reproductive isolation of Hilara species: choice of habitat and swarming behaviour. Abstr. 2nd Int. congr. Dipterology, Bratislava, August 27 - September 1: 80.
C.19. GROOTAERT, P., TR?HEN, P. & BRUNEL, E. - 1990 - Swarming in Hilara medeteriformis, H. fulvibarba and H. manicata (Diptera, Empididae). Abstr. 2nd Int. congr. Dipterology, Bratislava, August 27 - September 1: 79.
C.20. POLLET, M. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1990 - Ecological studies on Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from a woodland ecosystem: II. Detailed vertical stratification and a between-years comparison. Abstr. 2nd Int. congr. Dipterology, Bratislava, August 27 - September 1: 183
C.21. GROOTAERT, P. & TREHEN, P. - 1990 - Coexistence d'esp?ces d'Hilara (Diptera, Empididae): s?lection de l'habitat et isolement reproducteur. Abstr. III Conf. Int. Ent. d'expression Fran?aise, Gembloux 9-14 juillet 1990.
C.22. GROOTAERT, P., DELETTRE, Y. & TR?HEN, P. - 1990 - Low range dispersal of Empidoidea (Insecta: Diptera) in a heterogeneous environment in central Brittany (France). First Belgian Congress of Zoology, 16-17 Nov. 1990, Abstracts: 35.
C.23 GROOTAERT, P. & TR?HEN, P. - 1990 - Reproductive isolation of Hilara species: swarming behaviour (Insecta: Diptera: Empidoidea); First Belgian Congress of Zoology, 16-17 Nov. 1990, Abstracts: 35-36.
C.24. GROOTAERT, P. & TR?HEN, P. - 1990 - A comparison of the swarming behaviour of three species of Hilara (Insecta: Diptera: Empidoidea). First Belgian Congress of Zoology, 16-17 Nov. 1990, Abstracts: 36
C.25 GROOTAERT, P. & TR?HEN, P. - 1990 - Swarming in Hilara. Meeting of the British Dipterist's recording schemes, 10th Nov. 1990; invited paper.
C.26. POLLET, M., MEUFFELS, H. & GROOTAERT, P. - 1991 - Ecology and distribution of Hercostomus (Gymnopternus) species in Belgium and the Netherlands. Colloquium E.I.S., Brussels 1991.
C.27. GROOTAERT, P. & POLLET, M. - 1991 - Habitat selection and faunal composition of Empidoidea in the Belgian coastal dune landscape. Colloquium E.I.S., Brussels 1991.
C.28. GROOTAERT, P. 1993. Species radiation of predatory empidoids (Insecta, Diptera) in lowland rain forest in northern Papua New Guinea. Abstracts of the International Conference on Tropical Rain forest Research, Current Issues, Brunei, p. 59.
C.29. VAN ASSELT, L., ARNOUTS, A. & GROOTAERT, P., 1993. Acarus siro (Acari: Acaridae), sexual or aggregation pheromone? Belgian Journal of Zoology, 123 (1): 74.
C.30. GROOTAERT, P. & VAN DE VELDE, I. 1993. Empidoid flies (Insecta, Diptera) associated with crab burrows (Crustacea, Decapoda): opportunism or commensalism? Belgian Journal of Zoology, 123 (1): 30-31.
C.31. POLLET, M. & GROOTAERT, P. 1993. Estimating the natural value of the coastal dunes on the basis of their Empidoidea fauna (Diptera). Belgian Journal of Zoology, 123 (1): 59-60.
C.32. POLLET, M. & GROOTAERT, P. 1993. Factors affecting the responses of Empidoidea (Insecta, Diptera) to coloured traps. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 123 (1): 58-59.
C.33. GROOTAERT, P. & BILLEN, J. 1993. Morphology and ultrastructure of the tibial glands in the predatory fly Platypalpus (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae). Belgian Journal of Zoology, 123 (1): 29-30.
C.34. GROOTAERT, P. & VAN DE VELDE, I., 1994. Association of empidoid flies (Dolichopodidae, Hybotidae) with crab burrows (Crustacea, Decapoda): opportunism or commensalism? Third International Congress of Dipterology, Guelph, Abstracts: 85-86.
C.35. GROOTAERT, P. & BILLEN, J., 1994. Ultrastructure of the silk glands in the predatory dance fly Hilara (Empidoidea, Empididae). Third International Congress of Dipterology, Guelph, Abstracts: 83-84.
C.36. GROOTAERT, P. & POLLET, M., 1994. Strategies of habitat exploitation by empidoid flies in Westeuropean coastal dune ecosystems (Dolichopodidae, Empididae s.l.). Third International Congress of Dipterology, Guelph, Abstracts: 84-85.
C.37. POLLET, M. & GROOTAERT, P., 1994. Collecting ecological data on Empidoidea using the water trap methodology (Diptera). Third International Congress of Dipterology, Guelph, Abstracts: 180-181.
C.38. MORVAN, N., DELETTRE, Y., TREHEN, P. & GROOTAERT, P. 1994. Empididae (Diptera) in a heterogeneous landscape: a case study in an agricultural cropping system with hedgerow network. Third International Congress of Dipterology, Guelph, Abstracts: 159-160.
C.39. GROOTAERT, P., 1994. Ecology and geographical distribution of marine empidoids in South-East Asia and Melanesia (Empidoidea: Dolichopodidae, Hybotidae, Microphoridae). Third International Congress of Dipterology, Guelph, Abstracts: 81-82.
C.40. VAN ASSELT, L., ARNOUTS, A., WAUTHY, G. & GROOTAERT, P., 1994. Pheromonal effects of Acarus siro acetone extracts. 46th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Abstracts, 93.
C.41. VAN ASSELT, L., ARNOUTS, A., WAUTHY, G. & GROOTAERT, P., (1994). Effects of fungi acetone extracts on Acarus siro, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and D. farinae. Abstracts First Benelux Congress of Zoology.
C.42. VAN ASSELT, L., ARNOUTS, A., WAUTHY, G. & GROOTAERT, P., (1994). Observation of pheromonal effects in Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and D. farinae. Abstracts First Benelux Congress of Zoology.
C. 43. GROOTAERT, P., 1995. Male sexual characters, display and sexual selection in the marine dolichopodid fly genus Cymatopus (Insecta, Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Abstracts 2nd Benelux Congress of Zoology: 47.
C.44. GROOTAERT, P., 1995. A review of the MSSC's in Australasian dolichopodid flies. Poster 2nd Benelux Congress of Zoology. No abstract.
C.45. VERDYCK, P., BACKELJAU, T., GROOTAERT, P. & HULSELMANS, J., 1996. Biochemical systematics of the Phylotreta terastigma group of sibling species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). XX. International Congress of Entomology, Firenze, italy, August 25-31, 1996.
C.46. GROOTAERT, P. & POLLET, M., 1996. Ecological Investigations on Empidoid flies (Diptera: Empididae, Hybotidae) of Woodland Ecosystem. Third Benelux Congress of Zoology, Namur, 8-9.11.1996.
C.47. GROOTAERT, P., 1998. Sexual selection and speciation in dolichopodid flies. Keynote Fourth International Congress of Dipterology, Oxford. Abstracts p. 72.
C.48. GROOTAERT, P. & M. POLLET, 1998. Why not use empidids (Empidoidea) to assess ecological habitat quality? Red Data Books and site quality assessment. Fourth International Congress of Dipterology, Oxford. Abstracts p. 73.
C.49. GROOTAERT, P., A. MEERHAEGHE, W. DE BELDER, D. MAES & J.P. MAELFAIT. Red Data book of the Empididae s.l. in Flanders (Belgium). Fourth International Congress of Dipterology, Oxford. Poster. Abstracts p. 73.
C.50. GROOTAERT, P., G. ST?HLS-MAKELA, M. POLLET & H. MEUFFELS, 1998. New ideas on the polarity of characters and phylogenetic classification of the subfamilies of the Dolichopodidae. Fourth International Congress of Dipterology, Oxford. Poster. Abstracts p. 74.
C.51. POLLET, M. & P. GROOTAERT, 1998. From systematic and ecological databases to Red Data Books and systematic research. Fourth International Congress of Dipterology, Oxford. Abstracts p. 171.
C.52. POLLET, M. & P. GROOTAERT, 1998. Systematics and phylogeny of Neotropical Achalcinae and related taxa (Dolichopodidae). Fourth International Congress of Dipterology, Oxford. Abstracts p. 172.
C.53. GROOTAERT, P. & O. MISSA, 1998. Weevils and flies say that canopy diversity is not a fairy-tale. Workshop Belgian Research in Papua New Guinea, current issues, Brussels, 12 December 1998 (oral presentation).
C.54. GROOTAERT, P. A review of the MSSC's in Australasian dolichopodids flies. Workshop Belgian Research in Papua New Guinea, current issues, Brussels, 12 December 1998 (poster presentation).
C.55. GROOTAERT, P. & I. VAN DE VELDE, 1998. Association of empidoid flies (Dolichopodidae, Hybotidae) with crab burrows (Crustacea, Decapoda): opportunism or commensalism? Workshop Belgian Research in Papua New Guinea, current issues, Brussels, 12 December 1998 (poster presentation).
C.56. POLLET, M. & P. GROOTAERT. 1998. Dolichopodidae (Diptera): poorly known but excellent agents for site quality assessment and nature conservation. Experimental and applied entomology (oral presentation).
C.57. GROOTAERT, P., M. POLLET & D. BONTE. 2000. Ook vliegen vertellen iets over de kwaliteit van ons leefmilieu: De Latemse Meersen, een voorbeeld. Entomologische studiedag, 26 maart 2000, Brussel.
C.58. GROOTAERT, P., M. POLLET & D. BONTE. 2000.Ongewervelden in de meersen en de rivierduinen te St.-Martens-Latem. Voordracht Gemeentehuis St.-Martens-Latem op 17 maart 2000.
C.59. VERSTEIRT, V., DESENDER, K., GEUDENS, G. & P. GROOTAERT. 2000. Dead wood and beetles: a case study in Flanders (Belgium). International Congress of Entomology. Igua?u, Brazil.
C.60. VERSTEIRT, V., DESENDER, K., SMETS, K., GEUDENS, G., DRUGMAND, D., DE BAKKER, D., GROOTAERT, P., VERDYCK, P., VAN DEN MEERSCHAUT, D., VANDEKERKHOVE, K. & B. DE VOS. 2000. Beetle diversity and forest characteristics in Flanders (Belgium). International Congress of Entomology. Igua?u, Brazil.
C.61. VERSTEIRT, V., DESENDER, K., SMETS, K., GEUDENS, G., DRUGMAND, D., DE BAKKER, D., GROOTAERT, P., VERDYCK, P., VAN DEN MEERSCHAUT, D., VANDEKERKHOVE, K. & B. DE VOS. 2000. Beetle diversity and forest characteristics in Flanders (Belgium). Symposium on biodiversity: from genes to landscape. Louvain-La-Neuve. 13-15 Dec. 2000. p. 23.
C. 62. VERSTEIRT, V., K. DESENDER, W. DEKONINCK & P. GROOTAERT 2001. Ground beetles and reconverting agricultural land to heathland and species-rich grasslands in Flanders (Belgium). Abstract congress Polen.
C. 63. VERSTEIRT, V., W. DEKONINCK, K. DESENDER & P. GROOTAERT 2001. Ground beetles communities as evaluation of reconverted arable land into heathland and dry oligothrophic grasslands (Flanders, Belgium). Proceedings congress.
C. 64. VERSTEIRT, V., K. DESENDER, W. DEKONINCK, P. GROOTAERT. 2001. The importance of ground beetles in the studies on wetland restoration. Abstract congress.
C. 65. POLLET, M., H. MEUFFELS & P. GROOTAERT 2001. Status of threatened Flemish Dolichopodidae (Insecta, Diptera) in The Netherlands. Abstract E.I.S. Leiden.
C. 66. POLLET, M. & P. GROOTAERT 2001. The Belgian dolichopodid fauna (Insecta: Diptera) in a Holarctic perspective. Symposium Status en Trends van de Belgische Fauna (met bijzondere aandacht voor exotische soorten). KBIN, Brussel, 14 december 2001.
C. 67. GROOTAERT, P., POLLET, M. & D. MAES. 2001. Constraints and possible use in Nature conservation : A red Data Book on the Dance flies, a case study. Symposium Status en Trends van de Belgische Fauna (met bijzondere aandacht voor exotische soorten). KBIN, Brussel, 14 december 2001.
C. 68. GROOTAERT, P., DEKONINCK, W. , VERSTEIRT, V., POLLET, M., VANUYTVANCK, J. & DECLEER, K. (2001). Chances of nature development on soils with a formerly intensive agricultural use in Flanders: site quality assessment by using invertebrates. Symposium Status en Trends van de Belgische Fauna (met bijzondere aandacht voor exotische soorten). KBIN, Brussel, 14 december 2001.
C. 69. GROOTAERT, P., DEKONINCK, W. , VERSTEIRT, V., POLLET, M., VANUYTVANCK, J. & DECLEER, K. (2001). Chances of nature development on soils with a formerly intensive agricultural use in Flanders: site quality assessment by using invertebrates. Proceedings EPBRS meeting, 4.XII.2001, Brussels. p. 196
C. 70. DESENDER, K., DE BAKKER, D., GROOTAERT, P., POLLET, M., DE BRUYN, L., DE VOS, B. & J.P. MAELFAIT. 2001. Beetles, spiders and flies as bio-indicators in forests: a large scale research project in Flanders (Belgium). Proceedings EPBRS meeting, 4.XII.2001, Brussels. p. 195
C. 80. GROOTAERT P., VERAPONG KIATSOONTHORN, CONSTANT, J., HUBIN, Th. & LA-AW AMPORNPAN (2001). Diversity and phenology of insects around the Field Research Station at Na Haeo (Loei province, Northeast Thailand): a preliminary study”. Poster exhibit at Srinakharinwirot August 2001.
C. 81. GROOTAERT, P. , H. MEUFFELS, VERAPONG KIATSOONTHORN & CHR. DAUGERON (2001). “Na Haeo Field Station an area of excellence for the detection of new taxa in Southeast Asia”. Poster exhibit at Srinakharinwirot August 2001.
C. 82. PIEN, K., GROOTAERT, P. DE BOECK, G., SAMYN, N., BOONEN, T., VITS, K. WOOD, M. & M. MORRIS (2002). The use of LC-MS/MS to detect Nordazepam and Oxazepam in Calliphora vincina larvae. 5th International Congress of Dipterology. Brisbane, 2002. Poster.
C. 83. WOOD, M., DE BOECK, G., SAMYN, N., KAREN, P., GROOTAERT, P. & M. MORRIS (2002). Meeting of the Society of Forensic toxicologists. Poster.
C. 84. VERSTEIRT, V. & P. GROOTAERT (2002). Saproxylic insects: a pest in our forests? 54th International Symposium on Crop Protection. May 7, 2002, Ghent. Poster.
C. 85. ARDESHIR, F., DE SAINT-GEORGES-GRIDELET, D., WAUTHY, G., GROOTAERT, P., & L. TIRRY. 2002. Mites of stored products in Iran: results of three sampling periods. 54th International Symposium on Crop Protection. May 7, 2002, Ghent. Poster.
C. 86. GROOTAERT, P., MEUFFELS, H. & O. MISSA. (2002). Dolichopodidae in the canopy of lowland primary rainforest on the north coast of Papua New Guinea. 5th International Congress of Dipterology. Brisbane, 2002. Oral presentation.
C. 87. GROOTAERT, P., MEUFFELS, H., DAUGERON, Chr. & VERAPONG KIATSOONTHORN. The intermingling of the Palaearctic with the Oriental fauna in Northeast Thailand: species radiation in empidoid flies. 5th International Congress of Dipterology. Brisbane, 2002. Poster.
C. 88. GROOTAERT, P. & N. EVENHUIS, 2003. Diversity of Dolichopodidae, a family of predatory flies in mangrove along the western Pacific coast . 20th Pacific Science Congress, Bangkok, 17-21 March 2003. Oral presentation.
C. 89. GROOTAERT, P., MEUFFELS, H., DAUGERON, Chr. & VERAPONG KIATSOONTHORN. 2003. The intermingling of the Palaearctic with the Oriental fauna in Northeast Thailand: species radiation in empidoid flies. 20th Pacific Science Congress, Bangkok, 17-21 March 2003. Poster.
C. 90. PIEN, K., T. BOONEN, K. VITS, P. GROOTAERT & M. PIPLEERS-MARICHAL (2003). The use of Microscopic changes to determine the age of postfeeding larvae of Calliphora vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae): preliminary results.
C. 91. DEKONINCK, W., MAELFAIT, J.P. & P. GROOTAERT 2003. Distribution and provisional Red list of the ants of Flanders (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). Poster at EIS meeting, Cardiff, 8 Sept. 2003.
C. 92 DAUGERON, C., GROOTAERT, P. & SHAMSHEV, I. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships within the empidinae (Empididae). 20th Pacific Science Congress, Bangkok, 17-21 March 2003. Poster.
C. 93 DAUGERON, C. & GROOTAERT, P. 2003. The feeding and mating behaviour of Rhamphomyia (Lundstroemiella) magellensis Frey (Empididae: Empidinae). 20th Pacific Science Congress, Bangkok, 17-21 March 2003. Poster.
C. 94 DAUGERON, C. & GROOTAERT, P. 2004. The Empis hyalea group (Diptera: Empididae: Empidinae) a potential model for studying the impact of quaternary climate changes on Asian biodiversity. Biology in Asia International Conference. Singapore, 7-10 December 2004.
C. 95. DAUGERON, C. & GROOTAERT, P. 2004. The Empis hyalea group (Diptera: Empididae: Emidinae): Species richness, distribution and habitats. . Biology in Asia International Conference. Singapore, 7-10 December 2004.
C. 96. GROOTAERT, P. & MISSA, O. 2004. Global diversity and rain forests : a challenge for the entomologist. . Biology in Asia International Conference. Singapore, 7-10 December 2004.
C. 97 WEI SONG HWANG, GWYNNE SHIMIN LIM, GROOTAERT, P. & R. MEIER (2005). Phylogeny and sexual selection in long-legged flies (Insecta: Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Exploring the Biofrontiers. 10th Biological Sciences Graduate Congress, 30 November -02 December 2005, NUS, Singapore. Poster. Abstracts p. 79.
C. 98 HOFFMANN, M., ADAM, S., BAERT, L., BONTE, D., CHAVATTE, N., CLAUS, R., , DE BELDER, W., DE FR?, B., DEGRAER, S., DE GROOTE, D., DEKONINCK, W., DESENDER, K., DEVOS, K., ENGLEDOW, H., GROOTAERT, P., HARDIES, N., LELIAERT, F., MAELFAIT, J.-P., MONBALIU, J., POLLET, M., PROVOOST, S., STICHELMANS, E., TOORMAN, E., VAN NIEUWENHUYSE, H., VERCRUYSSE, E., VINCX, M., WITTOECK, J. 2005. Integrated monitoring of nature restoration along ecotones, the example of the Yser estuary. In HERRIER J.-L. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings “Dunes and Estuaries”. International Conference of Nature Restoration Practices in European Coastal Habitats. Koksijde, Belgium, 19-23 September 2005.
C 99. DAUGERON, Ch., GROOTAERT, P. 2006. The Empis hyalea-group (Diptera: Empididae: Empidinae) in Asia: phylogenetic systematics, specific richness, distribution and habitats. 6th International Congress of Dipterology, Fukuoka, 23-28 September 2006. Poster presentation by P. Grootaert. 54-55.
C 100. GROOTAERT, P. 2006. Dolichopodidae in mangroves of Southeast Asia: diversity, community structure, zonation and phenology: a case study in Singapore. 6th International Congress of Dipterology, Fukuoka, 23-28 September 2006. Oral presentation. 91-92.
C 101. LIM, S.G., HWANG, W.S., GROOTAERT, P. and MEIER, R. 2006. Surviving the test of time: Testing species boundaries and the subfamily concepts in Dolichopodidae using South-east Asian species. 6th International Congress of Dipterology, Fukuoka, 23-28 September 2006. Oral presentation by Hwang WS. p.153.
C 102. POGONIN, S., NEGROBOV, O. & GROOTAERT, P. 2006. Videotaped feeding behaviour of some Dolichopodidae. 6th International Congress of Dipterology, Fukuoka, 23-28 September 2006. Oral presentation by P. Grootaert. p.196.
C 103. SHAMSHEV, I. & GROOTAERT, P. 2006. Diversity of Oriental Elaphropeza (Hybotidae, Tachydromiinae): species groups, morphological characters and distribution. 6th International Congress of Dipterology, Fukuoka, 23-28 September 2006. Oral presentation by P. Grootaert. p.222.
C 104. GROOTAERT, P. 2007. Taxonomy alive and kicking. Maxisymposium: Van Linnaeus tot barcoding. Leuven 1 december 2007. Oral presentation, 79 slides.
C 105. VAN BORTEL, W., S. BOYER, W. DEKONINCK, P. GROOTAERT, T. HANCE, G. HENDRICKX, W. TAKKEN & V. VERSTEIRT. 2007. The MODIRISK project: a large scaled survey on mosquito biodiversity as basis for risk assessment and control. European Mosquito Control Association, Prague, September 2007.
C 106. POLLET, M., GROOTAERT, P. & I. VAN DE VELDE (2008). The interaction of professional and non-professional entomologists in Flanders (Belgium): is this relationship really working. Symposium “Entomology in Belgium 2008”, December 5th, Brussels, Abstract poster p. 27.
C 107. VAN BORTEL, W., VERSTEIRT, V., GARROS, C., BOYER, S., HANCE, TH., DEKONINCK, W., GROOTAERT, P., HENDRICKX, G., TAKKEN, W. &. M. COOSEMANS. 2007. A large scale survey of mosquito (Culicidae) biodiversity as basis for risk assessment. Symposium “Entomology in Belgium 2008”, December 5th, Brussels, Abstract poster p. 35-36.
C 108. VERSTEIRT, V., DEKONINCK, W., SOHIER, C., DEBLAUWE, I., VAN BORTEL, W., GROOTAERT, P. & J.-P. MAELFAIT (2008) Ceratopogonidae nuisance near the Sea Scheldt in Ghent. Symposium “Entomology in Belgium 2008”, December 5th, Brussels, Abstract poster p. 48-49.
C 109. DEKONINCK, W., DESENDER, K. & P. GROOTAERT (2008). Establishment of ant communities in forests growing on former agricultural fields: colonisation and 25 years of management are not enough. Symposium “Entomology in Belgium 2008”, December 5th, Brussels, Abstract poster p. 54.
C 110. DEKONINCK, W., HENDRICKX, F., GROOTAERT, P. & J.-P. Maelfait (2008). Present conservation status if wood ants in north-western Belgium: worse than ever before, but not a lost case. Symposium “Entomology in Belgium 2008”, December 5th, Brussels, Abstract poster p. 55-56.
C 111. DEKONINCK, W., VAN BORTEL, W. & GROOTAERT, P., 2008. Mosquito (Culicidae) voucher specimens in the RBINSc collection: remnants of a past glory or hidden treasure? Symposium “Entomology in Belgium 2008”, December 5th, Brussels, Abstract poster p. 62
C. 112. GROOTAERT, P., STROBBE, F., PEETERS, M., DEKONINCK, W., LENGLET, G., WOUTERS, K., BACKELJAU, T. & VAN GOETHEM, J. (2008). Species register of Belgium: an on-line annotated check list of the eukaryote organisms in Belgium. Symposium “Entomology in Belgium 2008”, December 5th, Brussels, Abstract poster p. 26.
C 113. GROOTAERT, P. 2008. An introduction to the International federation/consortium of scientific collections Workshop on users of collections Brussels 4-5 november 2008,. ppt 11 slides.
C 114. GROOTAERT, P. 2008. Welcome to the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. Workshop on users of collections Brussels 4-5 november 2008,. ppt 13 slides.
C 115. GROOTAERT, P., POLLET, M., DEKONINCK, W. & C. VAN ACHTERBERG (2009). Sampling insects: general techniques, strategies and remarks. Workshop : Manual on Field recording Techniques and Protocols for ATBI+M, Gran Canaria, 24-28 January 2009 p. 16. ppt 32 slides
C 116. GROOTAERT, P., 2009 They are more numerous than we ever imagined: the challenges of sampling megadiverse taxa in the tropics: from Papua New Guinea to Singapore’s field lab. Willi Hennig XXVIII Annual meeting, June 22-26, 2009. Abstracts p. 29.
C 117. DECLEER, K., BAETENS, J., GROOTAERT, P., DRUGMAND, D., BAERT, L., DESENDER, K., POLLET ,M. & W. DEKONINCK, (2010). Reed strips along drainage ditches in an intensive agricultural landscape. Valuable or negligible ecological structures for marshland invertebrates? 7th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, 23-27/08/2010, Avignon
C 118. DEKONINCK, .W, HENDRICKX, F., BAERT, L., BOEV?, J-L., WAUTHY, G., SOHIER, C., GAUBLOMME, E., CONSTANT, J., DRUMONT, A., LIMBOURG, P., GERARD, Y., NICOLAS, L,. PEETERS, M., STROBBE, F ., DE VUYST, M-P., VAN NIEUWENHOVE, C & P. GROOTAERT . (2010). Validating collections: taxonomy, faunistics, databases, Red Data Books and Site Quality Assessment studies at the RBINS Entomology Department. Symposium <<Entomology in Belgium>>, December , 2008, Brussels, organized by the Royal Belgian Entomological Society.
C. 119. GROOTAERT, P. (2010) Onderzoeksproject Congoriver 2010 op meeting 20 januari 2010, KBIN, Brussel, ppt 10 slides
C 120. GROOTAERT, P. (2010) The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL-Europe). Algemene Vergadering KBVE, Brussel, 17 januari 2010. ppt 29 slides.
C 121. GROOTAERT, P. (2010) Digitisation of the Belgian collection of saproxylic and xylobiont beetles conserved at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Biodiversity Platform Digitisation Project Call 2009-2010 & Project Call 2010-2011, 11 slides.
C 122. GROOTAERT, P. (2010) International Coordination of an Interdisciplinary Global Research Infrastructure, Outreach Conference, 8 - 9 February 2010 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium, ppt 13 slides.
C 123. GROOTAERT, P. (2010) The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL-Europe) Towards a global library of life Budapest, European Congress of Entomology, ppt 29 slides.
C 124. GROOTAERT, P., B?NICHOU, L., DESSEIN, St., DUIN, D., G?RARD, I., HIGLEY, G. & K. MARTENS, 2010, The European Journal of Taxonomy: towards an E-journal for descriptive taxonomy. CETAF Brussels, 6 October 2010, 19 slides
C 125. GROOTAERT, P., B?NICHOU, L., DESSEIN, St., DUIN, D., G?RARD, I., HIGLEY, G. & K. MARTENS, 2010, European Journal of Taxonomy: towards an E-journal for descriptive taxonomy CETAF Kopenhagen 7 October 2010, EDIT meeting. 19 slides
C 126. GROOTAERT, P., DEKONINCK ,W., SOHIER, C., VANDOMME, V., DE BRUYN, L., WOZNIA, A., MICHELSEN, V., BRUGE, H., DRUMONT, A., THIEREN ,Y., FICACEK, M., MAELFAIT, J-P. & D. BONTE (2010). Impact of beach nourishment on Arthopoda populations at the Belgiancoast using emergence traps. Symposium <<Entomology in Belgium>>, December , 2008, Brussels, organized by the Royal Belgian Entomological Society.
C 127. SOHIER, C., DEKONINCK , W., VERSTEIRT, V., DEBLAUWE, I., HENDRICKX, F. & P. GROOTAERT (2010). Distribution of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Flanders (Belgium). Symposium <<Entomology in Belgium>>, December , 2008, Brussels, organized by the Royal Belgian Entomological Society.
C 128. SOHIER, C., DEKONINCK , W., VERSTEIRT, V., DEBLAUWE, I., HENDRICKX, F. & P. GROOTAERT (2010). Larval study on the pest species Culicoides riethi along the Seascheldt in Ghentbrugge (Belgium). Symposium <<Entomology in Belgium>>, 3 December 2008, Brussels, organized by the Royal Belgian Entomological Society.
C 129. SOHIER, C., DEKONINCK , W., VERSTEIRT, V., DEBLAUWE, I., HENDRICKX, F. & P. GROOTAERT (2010). Distribution of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) along the Scheldt and its tributaries in Flanders with special attention for the pest species Culicoides riethi. Eden 2010 International conference, Emerging Vector-borne Diseases in a Changing European environment, Montpellier, France, 10-12th May, 2010.
P. NG. (2011). Mega-diverse Empidoidea (Diptera) as indicator organisms
in site quality assessment in Southeast Asian mangroves. International
?ast European Symposium on Entomology- Dipterology. Voronezh State University,
21- 23 November 2011. 38 slides
C 131. GROOTAERT, P., CHAN, L., MEIER, R. & P. NG. (2011).
Collections at the service of nature conservation and understanding of
the mega-diversity in Southeast Asian mangroves. 22nd Pacific Science Congress,
Kuala Lumpur, 13-18 June 2011. 25 slides.
P. NG. (2011). Unexpected diversity of empidoid flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae
and Hybotidae) in Southeast Asian mangroves. Studiedag KBVE. 4 december
2011. 34 slides.
Y., FICACEK, M., MAELFAIT, J.P. & D. BONTE. (2011). Impact of beach
nourishment on Arthropoda populations at the Belgian coast using emergence
traps. Studiedag Zandsuppletie. Ghent university, 20 May 2011. 24 slides.